A Complete Guide to Daily Telegraph Plusword Crossword Answers (April 26, 2024)

A Complete Guide to Daily Telegraph Plusword Crossword Answers (April 26, 2024) Culture and trends

The Daily Telegraph Plusword crossword offers a unique challenge. Even after you complete the crossword, another challenge awaits you. Solvers must use the filled answers to discover an additional plusword. If you find any clues difficult, you can check this page to get the answers.

Academy Award


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Academy Award (OSCAR): This clue refers to one of the most prestigious awards in the film industry, the “OSCAR.” It’s given annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to honor outstanding achievements in filmmaking.

The ___ of the Moon, The Waterboys song


The ___ of the Moon, The Waterboys song (WHOLE): In this clue, “WHOLE” completes the title of the song by The Waterboys, “The Whole of the Moon.” It hints at the missing word needed to form the complete title.



Restrict (EASE): This clue involves a play on words where “Restrict” suggests the opposite action. “EASE” fits perfectly as it means to make something less strict or severe, contrasting with the idea of restriction.

Go in


Go in (CRASH): “CRASH” here means to enter forcefully or abruptly, fitting the context of “go in.” It suggests a sudden and impactful movement, such as crashing through a barrier or into a space.



Itsy-Bitsy (WEE): This clue hints at something small or tiny, fitting the description of “WEE.” It’s often used to describe objects or creatures that are diminutive in size, like the itsy-bitsy spider in the popular nursery rhyme.

PlusWord No 705


PlusWord No 705 (BYLAW): In this clue, “BYLAW” is the answer to PlusWord No 705, indicating a specific word that fits the designated puzzle slot or category.

Young bird; towel (anag.)


Young bird; towel (anag.) (OWLET): This clue involves an anagram of “towel” to reveal “OWLET,” which refers to a young bird of prey, such as a baby owl. The wordplay showcases the transformation of one phrase into another, leading to the correct answer.



Excel (EXCEED): “EXCEED” fits the context of excelling or surpassing expectations or limits. It denotes achieving a higher standard or level of performance, reflecting excellence in a particular endeavor.

French cheese

BAN ON    

French cheese (BAN ON): This clue seems to be incorrect, as “BAN ON” does not correspond to any known French cheese. It’s possible that there was a mistake in the clue or the intended answer was different.



Extraterrestrial (EERIE): While “EERIE” describes something strange or unsettling, it doesn’t directly relate to being extraterrestrial. It seems there might be a mix-up in the clue or the intended answer.

Have another shot at


Have another shot at (RETRY): This clue straightforwardly suggests the act of trying again or making another attempt. “RETRY” fits perfectly as it means to undertake a task or activity again after an initial failure or unsatisfactory result, embodying the concept of giving something another try.

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