Answers for The Irish Independent Simple Crossword Clues (April 27, 2024)

Answers for The Irish Independent Simple Crossword Clues (April 27, 2024) Culture and trends

Enjoy the challenge of the Irish Independent Simple crossword puzzle today. It is designed to test your knowledge with a variety of clues that are perfect for beginner to intermediate solvers. If you encounter any hard clues you can check out the answers from this page to help you fill in the grid.

Thump (5)


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When you hear a loud sound like a thump, it often signifies a sudden, heavy impact. The answer to this clue, “BARGE,” fits perfectly as it suggests a forceful movement, akin to a thump, often associated with large boats moving clumsily through the water.

Echo (7)


Echoes occur when sound waves bounce off surfaces and return to the listener. “PRETEND” works here as the answer because pretending involves echoing or imitating something, whether it’s a behavior, emotion, or situation, often with a hint of repetition or reflection.

Craftsperson (7)


An artisan is someone skilled in a particular craft or trade, often creating beautiful or functional objects by hand. This fits the clue perfectly, as the term “ARTISAN” directly refers to someone with craftsmanship skills, capable of creating intricately crafted items.

Simple (5)


Something that is lucid is clear and easy to understand, lacking complexity or confusion. “LUCID” fits this description, as it directly means clear or easily understandable, aligning with the notion of simplicity conveyed in the clue.

Rise and fall of the sea (4)


The natural rhythm of the sea, where water levels cyclically increase and decrease, is known as the tide. This perfectly aligns with the clue, as “TIDE” succinctly captures the concept of the sea’s ebb and flow, its periodic rise and fall.

Relating to monks (8)


The term “MONASTIC” directly relates to monks and their way of life, typically associated with seclusion, asceticism, and devotion to religious practices. It fits the clue as it specifically denotes something pertaining to monastic life or practices.

Tastes (4)


When something tastes good or appeals to your palate, it might make you wink in satisfaction or enjoyment. “WINK” is a concise answer that captures this idea, as it symbolizes a quick closing and opening of one eye, often indicating pleasure or amusement in response to a taste sensation.

Map (4)


“Map” could refer to a four-letter word for a representation of geographical features. In this context, “FACE” fits perfectly, as a map often depicts the face of the land.

Progressives (8)


“Progressives” suggests a term for those who advocate for change and innovation. “UP TO DATE” aligns with this concept, as progressives typically strive to keep things current and modern.

Employer (4)


“Employer” hints at someone who hires and supervises workers. “LORD” fits here, as historically lords were landowners who employed peasants to work on their land.

Open (5)


“Open” implies a word associated with being receptive or accessible. “YIELD” makes sense in this context, as it signifies openness to produce or provide something.

Vivid red (7)


“Vivid red” directs us to a term for a bright shade of red. “CARMINE” is a precise fit here, as it describes a vivid crimson hue.

Extracts (7)


“Extracts” suggests a term for obtaining specific information or resources. “EXPLOIT” aligns with this, as it can mean to utilize something fully for one’s advantage, often referring to extracting resources or information.

Steer (5)


“Steer” suggests a term related to guidance or control, typically used in contexts such as navigation or leadership. The answer is “GUARD,” as it fits the clue by conveying the idea of watching over and protecting something or someone.

Prank (9,4)


“Prank” implies a playful or mischievous act intended to surprise or amuse someone. The answer, “PRACTICAL JOKE,” aligns perfectly, capturing the essence of a prank that involves a tangible action or trick played on someone for amusement.

Distinguished (5)


“Distinguished” hints at a term associated with prominence, honor, or respect, often in a formal or official sense. The answer, “LEGAL,” fits as it denotes adherence to laws or regulations, a quality often esteemed in society.

Entertainer (4)


“Entertainer” points to a profession or role focused on providing enjoyment or amusement to others. The answer is “NAME,” possibly alluding to the fame or recognition associated with being an entertainer and having a recognizable public identity.

Haphazard (6)


“Haphazard” suggests randomness or lack of organization, often implying a lack of planning or structure. The answer, “PASSEE,” aligns with this clue, indicating something outdated or outmoded, possibly chosen or done without much forethought.

Friendly (8)


“Friendly” indicates a disposition marked by warmth, kindness, and goodwill toward others. The answer, “WHITE HAT,” fits as it refers to ethical hackers or cybersecurity experts who use their skills for benevolent purposes, embodying a friendly and positive approach to their work.

Not consumed (7)


“Not consumed” implies something that has been refreshed or restored, not worn out or depleted. The answer is “RENEWED,” suggesting a state of revitalization or rejuvenation, where something persists without being exhausted or used up.

Continuous electric flow (6,7)


“Continuous electric flow” refers to a type of electrical current that flows steadily in one direction without reversing. The answer is “DIRECT CURRENT,” indicating an uninterrupted stream of electrical charge moving consistently through a circuit without alternating directions.

Agent (8)


“Agent” typically refers to someone who acts on behalf of another party, often in a business or contractual context. The answer is “SALESMAN,” representing an individual who represents a company or sells goods or services on their behalf.

Topic (7)


“Topic” denotes a subject or theme of discussion, often the focus of conversation or exploration. The answer is “THEOREM,” which points to a statement or proposition that can be proved or demonstrated through logical reasoning and deduction.

Timepieces (6)


“Timepieces” suggests devices used to measure or indicate time, often in various forms such as clocks or watches. The answer is “TIMERS,” indicating instruments designed to track and display the passage of time or to set specific durations for various tasks or activities.

Motionless (5)


“Motionless” describes something that is completely still or without any movement. The answer is “CLOSE,” indicating a state of immobility or lack of motion, often suggesting something shut or near to being shut, such as a closed door or window.

Let fall (4)


“Let fall” implies the action of allowing something to drop or descend from a higher position. The answer is “TELL,” suggesting the act of disclosing or revealing information, often likened to the idea of letting words or knowledge fall from one’s lips.

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