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Daily Commuter Crossword Answers Updated for April 24, 2024

Daily Commuter Crossword Answers Updated for April 24, 2024

The Daily Commuter Crossword offers different styles of crosswords for mental exercise, which can improve your word skills anytime, and the only thing is that you have to start with interest. It’s yet to provide clues that guide you towards the correct answers while completing every crossword challenge.

Solving this crossword not only helps expand your vocabulary but also improves your ability to think critically and creatively. It encourages you to make connections between words and meanings and trains your overall language proficiency. Since exploring different crossword puzzles, including variations like themed puzzles or cryptic crosswords, can further broaden your skills and word play techniques.

It’s the easiest and best way to keep your mind sharp while improving your abilities as well. If you need more crossword challenges, check out our page for other puzzles, find answers, and have a good solving experience. Check below a list of some crossword clues with their answers.

  1. Stomped (on)
  2. Answer: TROD
  3. Leave at the altar
  4. Answer: JILT
  5. Whispered call
  6. Answer: PSST
  7. An hour after midnight: 2 wds.
  8. Answer: ONEAM
  9. Feel sore
  10. Answer: ACHE
  11. Good or bad sign
  12. Answer: OMEN
  13. Emcee’s starting words
  14. Answer: INTRO
  15. Uno dos
  16. Answer: TRES
  17. Generous-hearted
  18. Answer: MAGNANIMOUS
  19. Prefix with rock or country
  20. Answer: ALT
  21. Lauder of beauty
  22. Answer: ESTEE
  23. Proper
  24. Answer: SEEMLY
  25. LA’s WNBA team
  26. Answer: SPARKS
  27. Defeat
  28. Answer: BEAT
  29. Happy cat sounds
  30. Answer: PURRS
  31. Hazy memory
  32. Answer: BLUR
  33. Good pal
  34. Answer: CHUM
  35. Dirt cake cookie
  36. Answer: OREO
  37. Flies high
  38. Answer: SOARS
  39. In this place
  40. Answer: HERE
  41. Blue-green shade
  42. Answer: TEAL
  43. Big fighting force
  44. Answer: ARMY
  45. Pointy teeth
  46. Answer: FANGS
  47. Adore
  48. Answer: LOVE
  49. Football throws
  50. Answer: PASSES
  51. Puffs product
  52. Answer: TISSUE
  53. Hybrid utensil
  54. Answer: SPORK
  55. Super-strong insect
  56. Answer: ANT
  57. Piano and piccolo, for two
  58. Answer: INSTRUMENTS
  59. Sudden shock
  60. Answer: BLOW
  61. Being broadcast: 2 wds.
  62. Answer: ONAIR
  63. Horn’s sound
  64. Answer: TOOT
  65. Country road
  66. Answer: LANE
  67. Playwright Oscar
  68. Answer: WILDE
  69. Hint
  70. Answer: CLUE
  71. Looked over
  72. Answer: EYED
  73. Said ”Not guilty,” say
  74. Answer: PLED
  75. Injure
  76. Answer: HARM
  77. Yorke of Radiohead
  78. Answer: THOM
  79. Tomato variety
  80. Answer: ROMA
  81. Bridal designer Cassini
  82. Answer: OLEG
  83. Breadbasket buns: 2 wds.
  84. Answer: DINNERROLLS
  85. Knees, e.g.
  86. Answer: JOINTS
  87. “I’d like to”: 2 wds.
  88. Answer: LETME
  89. Poi tuber
  90. Answer: TARO
  91. Bit of butter
  92. Answer: PAT
  93. Get outta here!
  94. Answer: SCRAM
  95. Mollusk feature
  96. Answer: SHELL
  97. Easily irritated
  98. Answer: TESTY
  99. Rodent-chasing cats
  100. Answer: MOUSERS
  101. Inquire
  102. Answer: ASK
  103. South China __
  104. Answer: SEA
  105. Classic toy with knobs
  106. Answer: ETCHASKETCH
  107. Catch sight of
  108. Answer: SPOT
  109. Unsullied
  110. Answer: PURE
  111. 2-D calculation
  112. Answer: AREA
  113. Lay in a grave
  114. Answer: BURY
  115. Uninteresting person
  116. Answer: BORE
  117. On the ___ (fleeing)
  118. Answer: LAM
  119. Laying birds
  120. Answer: HENS
  121. Strongly suggest
  122. Answer: URGE
  123. Fiasco
  124. Answer: MESS
  125. Sale come-on: 2 wds.
  126. Answer: SAVENOW
  127. Place to grow crops
  128. Answer: FARM
  129. French yes
  130. Answer: OUI
  131. Rained really hard
  132. Answer: POURED
  133. Dining room furniture
  134. Answer: TABLE
  135. Dentist’s filling
  136. Answer: INLAY
  137. Pebble
  138. Answer: STONE
  139. Play for time
  140. Answer: STALL
  141. Small cut
  142. Answer: SNIP
  143. The Big Easy
  144. Answer: NOLA
  145. Sightseeing trip
  146. Answer: TOUR
  147. Flower supporter
  148. Answer: STEM
  149. Day before Thur.
  150. Answer: WED

Stomped (on)

Answer: TROD

“Trod” is the past tense of “tread,” meaning to step heavily or crush something underfoot. It means to step heavily or forcefully on something, like stomping with your foot.

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Leave at the altar

Answer: JILT

“JILT” refers to leaving someone at the altar, often used to describe canceling a wedding or abandoning a romantic commitment.

Whispered call

Answer: PSST

“PSST” is an informal sound used to get someone’s attention quietly or to whisper to them.

An hour after midnight: 2 wds.

Answer: ONEAM

“ONE AM” refers to one hour after midnight, commonly written as 1:00 AM on a clock.

Feel sore

Answer: ACHE

“ACHE” means to feel continuous dull pain or discomfort in a part of your body.

Good or bad sign

Answer: OMEN

An “OMEN” is a sign or event believed to foretell good or bad fortune or future events.

Emcee’s starting words

Answer: INTRO

“Intro” refers to the introductory remarks or words spoken by an emcee or host to begin an event or performance.

Uno dos

Answer: TRES

“TRES” is the Spanish word for “three,” often used in counting or listing items.



“MAGNANIMOUS” describes someone who is generous in spirit, forgiving, and noble-minded.

Prefix with rock or country

Answer: ALT

“ALT” is a prefix that can be added to words like “rock” or “country” to create new terms like “alt-rock” or “alt-country,” indicating alternative or non-traditional styles within those genres.

Lauder of beauty

Answer: ESTEE

Estee Lauder is a well-known brand specializing in beauty and skincare products.


Answer: SEEMLY

“Seemly” means appropriate or fitting in a social or moral context.

LA’s WNBA team

Answer: SPARKS

The Los Angeles Sparks are a professional women’s basketball team in the WNBA.


Answer: BEAT

“BEAT” means to defeat or overcome, usually in a competition or contest.

Happy cat sounds

Answer: PURRS

“PURRS” are the happy, vibrating sounds that cats make when they are content or pleased.

Hazy memory

Answer: BLUR

A “BLUR” refers to something that is unclear or indistinct, often used to describe a vague or hazy memory.

Good pal

Answer: CHUM

A “CHUM” is a close friend or companion, someone you have a good and friendly relationship with.

Answer: OREO

An “OREO” is a type of cookie made by the Oreo brand, known for its chocolate wafers with a creamy filling.

Flies high

Answer: SOARS

To “SOARS” means to fly or rise high in the air, often used figuratively to describe success or achievement.

In this place

Answer: HERE

“HERE” refers to the location or place where the speaker or subject is currently, indicating a specific position or presence.

Blue-green shade

Answer: TEAL

“TEAL” is a color that combines blue and green, often described as a bluish-green shade.

Big fighting force

Answer: ARMY

An “ARMY” refers to a large organized military force, often consisting of soldiers trained for combat.

Pointy teeth

Answer: FANGS

“FANGS” are sharp, pointed teeth, often associated with animals like vampires or predators.


Answer: LOVE

“LOVE” means to have deep affection or strong feelings of affection and care towards someone or something.

Football throws

Answer: PASSES

“PASSES” refer to throws made by football players during a game, usually to pass the ball to teammates.

Puffs product

Answer: TISSUE

“TISSUE” refers to a soft, thin paper product used for wiping or cleaning, often associated with tissues used for blowing the nose.

Hybrid utensil

Answer: SPORK

 A “SPORK” is a hybrid utensil that combines the features of a spoon and a fork and is often used for eating various types of food.

Super-strong insect

Answer: ANT

An “ANT” is a small insect known for its strength relative to its size, often working together in colonies to accomplish tasks.

Piano and piccolo, for two


“INSTRUMENTS” refer to musical instruments like the piano and piccolo, both used to produce music.

Sudden shock

Answer: BLOW

A “BLOW” refers to a sudden impact or shock, either physical or metaphorical, that can have a significant effect.

Being broadcast: 2 wds.

Answer: ONAIR

This refers to something that is currently being broadcast or aired, such as a radio or television program.

Horn’s sound

Answer: TOOT

A toot is a short, sharp sound made by a horn or similar instrument.

Country road

Answer: LANE

A lane is a narrow road or path, typically found in rural or suburban areas.

Playwright Oscar

Answer: WILDE

This refers to Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish playwright, poet, and author known for works like “The Picture of Dorian Gray” and “The Importance of Being Earnest.”


Answer: CLUE

A clue is a piece of information or evidence that helps to solve a mystery or problem.

Looked over

Answer: EYED

To eye something means to look at it closely or with interest, often implying scrutiny or suspicion.

Said ”Not guilty,” say

Answer: PLED

This refers to the legal term “plead,” which means to formally state one’s defense, such as pleading “not guilty” in a court case.


Answer: HARM

To harm means to cause injury or damage to someone or something.

Yorke of Radiohead

Answer: THOM

This refers to Thom Yorke, the lead vocalist and songwriter for the band Radiohead.

Tomato variety

Answer: ROMA

Roma is a type of tomato known for its elongated shape and its main use in cooking, especially for sauces and canning.

Bridal designer Cassini

Answer: OLEG

“OLEG” refers to Oleg Cassini, a famous fashion designer known for his bridal wear designs.

Breadbasket buns: 2 wds.


“DINNER ROLLS” are small, round bread buns typically served during dinner or meals.

Knees, e.g.

Answer: JOINTS

“JOINTS” refer to the connections between bones, like knees, elbows, and other parts where bones meet.

“I’d like to”: 2 wds.

Answer: LETME

“LET ME” is a polite way to express a desire or request to do something.

Poi tuber

Answer: TARO

“TARO” is a tropical plant whose starchy tubers are often used as a staple food in various cuisines.

Bit of butter

Answer: PAT

A “PAT” of butter refers to a small amount of butter, typically cut into a square or round shape.

Get outta here!

Answer: SCRAM

“SCRAM” is a slang term used to tell someone to leave or go away quickly.

Mollusk feature

Answer: SHELL

A “SHELL” is the hard outer covering that protects and houses various mollusks, like snails or clams.

Easily irritated

Answer: TESTY

“TESTY” describes someone who is easily annoyed or irritable.

Rodent-chasing cats


“MOUSERS” are cats trained or known for their ability to catch and chase rodents, especially mice.


Answer: ASK

“ASK” means to seek information by posing a question or making an inquiry.

South China __

Answer: SEA

The “South China SEA” is a body of water located in Southeast Asia.

Classic toy with knobs


“ETCH A SKETCH” is a classic toy with knobs that allows you to draw by moving the knobs to create lines on a screen covered with aluminum powder.

Catch sight of

Answer: SPOT

“SPOT” means to see or notice something or someone, often unexpectedly.


Answer: PURE

“PURE” means free from contamination, impurities, or flaws, often used to describe something clean or pristine.

2-D calculation

Answer: AREA

“AREA” refers to the measurement of the surface of a two-dimensional shape, like a square or rectangle.

Lay in a grave

Answer: BURY

“BURY” means to place a deceased person or animal in a grave or tomb as part of funeral rites.

Uninteresting person

Answer: BORE

A “BORE” is someone who is dull, uninteresting, or tedious to be around.

On the ___ (fleeing)

Answer: LAM

“LAM” is a slang term meaning to flee or escape quickly, often used informally.

Laying birds

Answer: HENS

Hens are female birds, particularly domesticated fowl such as chickens, that lay eggs as part of their reproductive cycle.

Strongly suggest

Answer: URGE

When you urge someone, you strongly recommend or persuade them to do something.


Answer: MESS

A fiasco is when something goes completely wrong or fails in a chaotic or embarrassing way.

Sale come-on: 2 wds.


This refers to a promotional phrase used in sales to attract customers by promising immediate savings or discounts.

Place to grow crops

Answer: FARM

A farm is where farmers grow crops like vegetables, fruits, or grains.

French yes

Answer: OUI

“Oui” is the French word for “yes,” used to agree with something.

Rained really hard

Answer: POURED

When it rains heavily and steadily, which means it poured like it rained a lot. 

Dining room furniture

Answer: TABLE

A table is a piece of furniture used for eating meals or placing things on it.

Dentist’s filling

Answer: INLAY

An inlay is a dental filling used by dentists to fix cavities or damaged teeth.


Answer: STONE

A stone is a small, round rock that you might find on a beach or riverbed.

Play for time

Answer: STALL

To stall means to delay something, usually to gain more time or avoid doing something immediately.

Small cut

Answer: SNIP

A snip is a small, quick cut, often used when trimming something like hair or fabric.

The Big Easy

Answer: NOLA

“NOLA” is a common nickname for New Orleans, a city in Louisiana known for its vibrant culture and music scene.

Sightseeing trip

Answer: TOUR

A tour is a trip or journey where people visit different places, usually for sightseeing or learning about new locations.

Flower supporter

Answer: STEM

The stem of a flower is the part that supports the bloom and connects it to the plant’s roots.

Day before Thur.

Answer: WED

This refers to Wednesday, the day that comes before Thursday in the weekly calendar.

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