Do you feel tired very often? What disease could you be suffering from?

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Do you feel tired very often? Do you lack energy to the point of exhaustion? Do not neglect these conditions, because it is possible to suffer from some disease. Look what exactly can induce this state of exhaustion!


Insufficient sleep. Adults need 7-8 hours of sleep a night, and when you don’t get enough rest, your health and concentration can be affected. Here’s what you could do if you can’t fall asleep: use the bed only for sleep (don’t read, don’t watch TV and don’t eat in bed), sit down in bed only when you feel sleepy, if you don’t fall asleep in 15-20 minutes, get up and do something relaxing until you feel drowsy, don’t lie in bed longer than necessary, refrain from napping during the day.

You don’t eat enough. When you don’t eat enough or when you don’t have a balanced diet that maintains a normal blood sugar level, fatigue can occur. It is very important not to skip breakfast and to include protein-rich foods at every meal.

Depression. Although it is an emotional disorder, depression also causes physical symptoms. Fatigue, headaches, lack of appetite are the most common symptoms. If you feel tired and depressed for more than a few weeks, consult your doctor.

Hypothyroidism. If you often feel exhausted and mildly depressed, a sluggish thyroid may also be to blame. The most common thyroid disease is hypothyroidism, which occurs when the gland fails to produce a sufficient amount of thyroid hormones. Metabolism is slow, which is why body functions are slowed down.

Urinary infections. If you’ve ever had a urinary infection, you know that the main symptoms are a burning sensation when urinating and an urgent need to urinate. But this condition does not always cause such obvious symptoms, in some cases fatigue may be the only symptom. After proper treatment, the feeling of fatigue will disappear in about a week.

Diabetes. In people with diabetes, the very high level of sugar stays in the blood, instead of going into the body’s cells where it should be converted into energy. The result is a lack of energy despite eating enough food. If the fatigue is persistent and unexplained, seek medical help.

Dehydration. Fatigue can also be a sign of dehydration. Regardless of whether you sit at the office or have a more intense physical activity, the body needs water to function properly. Drink enough water, before a planned physical activity, and after training, you can drink two cups of water.

Heart disease. If fatigue occurs during everyday activities, such as housework, it may be a sign that heart function is affected. If you notice that it is increasingly difficult for you to complete tasks that you once considered easy, go to the doctor, writes

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