The work “Carmina Burana” met with art lovers at AKM

The work "Carmina Burana" met with art lovers at AKM Culture and trends

According to the statement of Istanbul State Opera and Ballet (IDOB), the work met with art lovers as a choreographic stage cantata with a cast of approximately 250 people.

The direction of the work was undertaken by State Opera and Ballet Deputy General Manager Volkan Ersoy and İDOB Ballet Chief Choreographer Ayşem Sunal Savaşkurt.

The 24 pieces in Carmina Burana are inspired by the choreographies of Volkan Ersoy, Deniz Özaydın, Berk Sarıbay, Özgür Adam İnanç, Alper Marangoz and Ferhat Güneş, while the work is performed by İDOB choir and soloists, soprano Nazlı Deniz Süren, tenor Ufuk Toker. performed by baritone Kevork Tavityan.

Following its premiere, the work will be staged again at AKM tomorrow at 20.00, and will then meet art lovers again at the 15th International Istanbul Opera and Ballet Festival between 1 and 14 June.

“Carmina Burana”, also known as Beuern songs, consists of 254 poems and dramatic texts from the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries, housed in the Bayern Library in Munich.


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