All I need is a piece of tin foil and my plants grow the fastest of all. They didn’t even believe in horticulture


Ordinary aluminum foil has many uses. It helps in the home when cleaning or heating as a reflection behind the radiator. You may not know how effective a helper it is in gardening. We’ll show you how to turn ordinary aluminum foil into a growth activator.

Not just for steaks

We reach for aluminum foil when we want to keep food warm for longer, when baking or grilling. It works perfectly as thermal insulation, even in larger areas. It can also be used in the garden, it makes work easier, accelerates the growth of seedlings or helps in the fight against pests. With the foil, you create a great light guide that will help the seedlings grow.

Foil box for seedlings

On cooler days, seedlings need more warmth and will always benefit from exposure to the sun. It helps if you have some tin foil handy. If you just want to increase the temperature inside the pot, use foil on the bottom. It is enough to line the flower pot with aluminum foil, pierce holes for water drainage and add soil. The plant will be warm.

You can make a light guide for seedlings with the help of a cardboard box. Line the inner walls with foil and place the seedlings in a planter or small pots inside the box. The foil will reflect the sun’s rays, the plants will have more light and grow better.

Protect plants with foil

Aluminum foil can be used in the garden as a protection against slugs or other pests. Spread foil sheets under the plants and secure the stones. The tin foil makes it difficult for slugs to crawl. And if you wrap the trunks of small new trees with aluminum foil, you will protect them from voles or voles, if you do not have a fenced plot.

Fruit trees and small fruit bushes will protect the foil from bird raids. Select some twigs and wrap them in tin foil or hang strips of tin foil in the crown of a tree or shrub. Shiny objects will deter birds and they will choose another target. Thanks to the foil, this year’s harvest will be tastier and richer, don’t forget the foil in the spring months.

Photo: Shutterstock

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