An experienced repairman revealed how to extend the life of a washing machine by 10 years. The manufacturers are keeping it a secret so that it can be sent to you as soon as possible


Modern washing machines break down quickly. My grandfather has been washing in the same washing machine for over 30 years, and I change mine every five. Yes, appliances are not what they used to be, but we often have ourselves to blame for their shortened lifespan. If we take care of the washing machine as it should and should, it will reward us with a few extra years.

Pay attention to the washing machine filter

It is the washing machine filter that is unfairly neglected. If we forget about its maintenance and cleaning, we can boil the washing machine completely. If, on the other hand, we devote some time to cleaning it a few times a year, the washing machine will always wash like new. How to do it?

We first disconnect the washing machine from the socket. We open the small door, which is usually found in the lower right part of the washing machine. Line the washing machine with a towel in these places, some water may leak out. Unscrew the pump cover and thoroughly clean the filter. We wipe it dry and return everything to its original place. You will often be surprised at what treasures you will find.

What about limescale?

Every time you wash, limescale builds up on the heating element of the washing machine. If we do not solve this problem, accumulated dirt can seriously damage the washing machine, especially if we have hard water at home. Descaling may sound complicated, but it really doesn’t get any easier. It is completely sufficient if once a month we set the washing machine to the longest possible cycle with the highest possible temperature and pour 100 g of citric acid and 200 ml of 10% vinegar together with the detergent into the dispenser. Let the washing machine run empty. Citric acid with vinegar not only removes limescale, but also cleans the washing machine in general and neutralizes all odors.

What to do to make the washing machine last as long as possible

  • Let the washing machine air out after each wash. Unevaporated water is responsible both for the smell in the washing machine and for the multiplying bacteria.
  • We clean the detergent dispenser. Once a week or once a month, depending on how often we wash, we take the container out and thoroughly wash and rinse it in the tub.
  • We wipe the rubber seal. It is precisely in the groove in the seal that everything possible is caught. Hair, lint, handkerchief tufts… That’s why we regularly check the rubber seal and wipe it with a damp cloth.

Photo: Shutterstock

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