Do you want the perfect rock garden? Create the right conditions for plants to grow. Here are 10 types that fit the bill


Creating a picturesque rock garden in the garden is not only about aesthetics, but also about knowing the plants you choose. Rock plants are fascinating plants that bring variety and beauty to your outdoor space. And how to make your rock garden beautiful all year round?

Spring is the perfect time to plant your rock garden. How to achieve that it is beautiful all year round and the plants thrive? In addition to classic alpine plants, plants from mountain regions all over the world, you can also use succulents, bulbs, grasses and dwarf conifers.

How to choose suitable plants for a rock garden?

Only species that require similar conditions should be grown together on a rockery. Only then can you achieve good results and create a really attractive rock garden that is easy to maintain.

Avoid the beginner’s mistake, when building a rock garden you follow only what you like, and do not respect, for example, that the rock garden for shade-loving plants should be oriented to the north, and the rock garden for light-loving and heat-loving plants, on the contrary, must be oriented to the south or west side.

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When choosing plants for the rock garden, it is important to take into account not only the aesthetic point of view, but also the needs of individual plant species. In addition to classic alpine plants, you can also include succulents, bulbs, grasses and dwarf conifers. Do not forget that it is ideal to choose plants with similar requirements for light, moisture and soil, so that the whole rockery composition will do well.

Preparation of the base for creating a rock garden

Correct preparation of the substrate is essential for the success of the rock garden. Take into account the requirements of individual plants for soil and moisture and prepare a substrate corresponding to the way they are grown. Peat substrate is ideal for plants that require acidic soils, while for plants that prefer a neutral or alkaline environment, choose appropriate soil mixtures.

Planting plants on a rockery

When planting plants, pay attention to the correct spacing between the individual species. This will ensure optimal growth and avoid potential problems with overcrowding or lack of space for the plants.

Care all year round

Caring for a rock garden throughout the year includes regular inspection and maintenance, including watering, fertilizing, weeding and pruning. Different types of plants require specific care depending on their needs and requirements. Be attentive to weather changes and adapt plant care to current conditions.

What plants are suitable for a rock garden?

  1. Saxifraga (Saxifraga): There are many species and varieties of Saxifraga with different color combinations of flowers. They are unpretentious and adapt well to different conditions.
  2. Stonecrop (Sempervivum): This succulent produces dense cushions of rosette-shaped leaves. It is very resistant to drought and easy to care for.
  3. Sedums: Sedums are popular for their varied leaf shapes and colors, as well as their drought tolerance.
  4. Chamois (Aubrieta): This plant blooms in bright colors and creates carpets of flowers, ideal for covering areas on the rock.
  5. Mountain bell (Campanula): There are many types of bells suitable for rock gardens. Flowers can be blue, purple, white or pink.
  6. Crassulaceae: This large family of succulents includes many species that are suitable for rock gardens, such as Echeveria, Crassula or Kalanchoe.
  7. Armeria (Armeria): Armeria has delicate flowers and is resistant to wind and sun. They are ideal for creating textures on rockeries.
  8. Aethionema: This plant has attractive flowers and compact growth, ideal for planting in rock gardens.
  9. Wormwood (Artemisia): Low species of sagebrush are suitable for rock gardens, with their grey-green leaves adding texture and contrast.
  10. Euphorbia: Some species of Euphorbia have compact growth and interesting flowers that add variety to rock gardens.

Get inspired and experiment

The rock garden can serve as a source of inspiration for your other garden projects. Experiment with different types of plants, shapes and colors to create a unique and eye-catching outdoor space. Don’t be afraid to try new combinations and techniques and let your creativity flow freely.


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