Has worms invaded your garden? We will advise you how to recognize them and how to get rid of them


Worms are one of the most widespread and problematic pests. Their attacks can cause serious damage to plants and reduce their vitality. Our article today focuses on identifying worms, preventing their attacks and methods of treating affected plants.

Once worms appear in your garden, they can cause major problems. They are tiny, soft-bodied pests that feed on plant sap and you can find them on many different types of plants. Their presence can be difficult to detect, but if you do not notice them, they can cause serious damage to plants and even lead to their death.

How to recognize worms?

Worms come in many different types and sizes, so their appearance can vary. However, there are certain signs that can help you identify their presence. A typical feature of worms is their soft body and colored or transparent casings that protect their body.

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They can occur singly or in groups on the underside of leaves, on branches or on flowers. If the presence of worms is suspected, it is important to carefully inspect the plants and pay attention to their possible damage.

Prevention of worm infestation

Prevention is the key to protecting your plants from worms. Here are measures you can try to protect your plants from infestation:

  • Regular inspection of plants: Check your plants regularly to detect any symptoms of worms or other pests in time.
  • Keeping plants healthy: Strong and healthy plants are more resistant to pests. Maintain optimal conditions for plant growth, don’t forget about watering and fertilizing.
  • Use of natural enemies of worms: Some insects, such as ladybug larvae, feed on worms and can help you keep them from multiplying.

Treatment of affected plants

If your garden falls into the clutches of worms, it is important to act immediately. Here are some treatment options you can consider:

  1. Manual removal: If you find that your plants are infested with worms, the first step should be to manually remove these pests. Use gloves and gently remove the maggots from the stems and leaves of the affected plants. It is an ideal solution for minor infestations.
  2. Suds: Soap solution is a popular home remedy against worms. Mix some liquid soap with water and spray the solution on the affected plants. The soap should remove the protective wax coating of the worms and destroy them.
  3. Use of natural enemies: Some species of natural enemies of worms, such as fireflies or ladybug larvae, can be effective predators of worms. Consider releasing these organisms in your garden to get rid of worms.
  4. Vegetable oils: Vegetable oils, such as rice bran oil, can be effective in killing worms. Apply them according to package directions on affected plants to get rid of pests.
  5. Improving conditions for plants: Healthy and strong plants are less susceptible to worm attacks than weakened plants. Ensure your plants have optimal growing conditions, including proper watering, lighting and nutrients.

Source: primanapady.cz, ireceptar.cz, hnojik.cz

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