I make tablets for the dishwasher myself. I have dozens of them for 20 CZK and they work better than the ones from the store


Try making homemade dishwasher tablets! It’s cheaper than buying the ones off the shelf in supermarkets, and in some cases it can be more effective. It doesn’t take too much work and you get tablets that polish your dishes beautifully. How to do it? Come and go through the procedure with us in today’s article.

Powder or tablets?

Washing powder is definitely cheaper than buying tablets, but it often happens that the dishes are not washed perfectly after using them – stains or grease may remain on them. Tablets are more efficient, but you will pay a lot of money for them. Home-made tablets, which will cost you only a few crowns, are a suitable alternative.

It also has the advantage that you know exactly what you are putting into the tablet.

Do not forget to clean the dishwasher regularly

If your dishwasher washes well with the detergent you are used to, and you suddenly find that the dishes are dirty or greasy, you should focus on cleaning the dishwasher itself. Thoroughly wash all filters and run the dishwasher empty with the recommended cleaner. Feel free to repeat this several times to make sure that the dishwasher is properly cleaned.

Regular maintenance of the dishwasher is important not only for quality washed dishes, but also for extending its service life.

How to make homemade tablets?

If you want to try making tablets at home, you will first need baking soda. Add two cups of baking soda to two cups of borax. Then add half a cup of salt and half a cup of white vinegar. Mix everything into one mixture and shape the resulting mass into ice cubes. Leave to dry in a shady, dry place for about 24 hours and then store in a resealable container.

Then use the home-made tablet as a classic store-bought dishwasher tablet.

This mixture should help you effectively fight against the ill effects of hard water and grease.

Photo: Shutterstock

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