The flowers that will provide you with beautiful foliage all year round

Цветята, които ще ви осигурят красива зеленина през цялата година Garden

You want to have a colorful home or garden full of beautiful flowers to bring you joy – but what to do after the blooms are over? Fortunately, there are flowers that, even without blooming, remain beautiful thanks to their wonderful foliage. Read on to find out which are the flowering plants with striking leaves that provide year-round color and texture in your garden.

Perennial plants with long-lasting flowers and beautiful leaves

Begonia Rex

Begonia offers a variety of wonderful and beautiful varieties. But one standout is Rex. It offers glossy foliage that combines blue-green, silver-gray and burgundy purple. Other beautiful begonias are Angel Wing, which rise above with their otherworldly white-spotted leaves. They prefer shade, partial sun and fast-draining soil

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Blue Star Arkansas

Sky blue flowers attract pollinators for several weeks in spring. And when the blooms pass, finely textured foliage remains. In autumn, the plant evolves to a bright yellow-gold. Prefers part sun, fertile, well-drained soil, but tolerates almost any arable soil


Coleus have great foliage that distracts from the small flowers or inflorescences of the plants. The leaves can be seen in many colors. Prefers partial to full shade. And the soil should be moist and well drained.

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Coral Bells Palace Purple

The leaves of this plant range from olive and bronze-green to deep purple, with burgundy underneath. If there is wind, you may see the different colors at the same time. In addition to beautiful foliage, the flower also has small pink and white flowers that pop against the dark leaves of the plant. They prefer partial to full shade. The soil should be loamy and well-draining.


Hostas are easy to grow, thrive in shade and come in a huge range of shapes, colors, textures and sizes. Don’t rush to remove the leaves if you see them dying. They are still photosynthesizing energy and putting it into the roots for the next season, so if you just let them die off naturally, you will have better growth next year. Prefers shade to partial sun. The soil should be moist and loamy.


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