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Wax Burn Relief + DIY At-Home Natural Hair Removal

Dr Oz: How To Treat A Burn From Hair Waxing

As good as it feels to pamper yourself, sometimes things just go wrong. If you’ve ever gotten waxed, you likely know just how easy it can be to burn yourself or end up with a painful, irritated rash. Bahar Takhtehchian, a beauty expert, joined Dr Oz with some tips for how to safely remove hair from your upper lips.

First, if you accidentally burned your skin while attempting to wax yourself, try wrapped some ice or an ice pack in a wash cloth and gently apply it to the burned area. Then carefully dab 100% 100% aloe vera all over the burn. You should see relief after a short period of time.

Dr Oz: All-Natural At-Home Hair Removal

For at-home hair removal without the burns and injuries, follow a few of these easy tricks. (148415908@N03 / Flickr)

Even better, Bahar shared an all-natural way to remove hair. She first stressed that it’s best for “peach fuzz” or fine hair, as opposed to coarse, thick hair. Combine the following ingredients to make the mixture:

Mix the ingredients together in a paste and then rub all over the area and let sit for about 15  minutes, each day for about a week. You should notice a reduction in hair growth after that with consistent use. Finish with witch hazel on a cotton ball rubbed into the area and rinse with cold water.


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