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15 indoor plants that will brighten up your bedroom

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It turns out that houseplants can not only beautify your home, but they can also reduce harmful airborne influences like benzene and formaldehyde. Here are some of the best plants to purify the air in your bedroom.


It is not usually considered a houseplant, but in fact lavender can fit perfectly into a room and please the eye for many years to come, but only if you take care of it properly. It should be exposed to direct sunlight for several hours a day, preferably in a south-facing window. Water the plant when the soil is slightly dry, but do not overwater the lavender or it will rot.

Rubber ficus

The ficus has large shiny leaves and can diversify any room. Prefers moderate to bright light and low but constant humidity. If you want to cut it, be sure to wear gloves to avoid getting its sticky juice on your fingers.

Dipsis yellowish (Dypsis lutescens) , better known as yellowish chrysalidocarpus

The leaves of this magnificent palm can exceed 2-3 meters, so be sure to provide enough space for it. In spring and summer, the plant needs bright indoor lighting and constant humidity.


This hardy ivy can grow in pots, hanging baskets or with other taller houseplants in a shared pot. In spring and summer, it needs moderate lighting, and in autumn and winter, bright light (or additional fluorescent light).

Boston fern

These lush ferns are an inexpensive houseplant classic and their curved bright green leaves always look great. But keep in mind that it is not so easy to take care of them indoors. Boston ferns like a lot of light. Also, they need to be sprayed every day

The variable aglaonema

This easy-care plant has glossy pale green leaves with white patterns. It tolerates low light indoors and prefers the soil to always be slightly moist, but hates cold air. Remember to keep it away from drafts!

Sansevieria three-striped

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This spectacular plant, also known as “mother-in-law’s tongue”, is distinguished by its impressive sword-shaped leaves. It does best in bright, indirect light and should only be watered when the soil is almost completely dry. With proper care, it can live for decades.


Different types of dracaena have been shown to be able to purify the air. These hardy plants have long stripes on the leaves and some of them have beautiful red patterns. Whichever species you choose, know that all varieties need the same conditions: moderate to bright indirect light and slightly moist soil.

Philodendron bipinnate

This easy-care plant attracts attention with its large wavy leaves. Provide your philodendron with moderate light and water it when the top layer of soil dries out.

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The sap in dieffenbachia leaves contains crystals that can irritate mucous membranes. If you have a pet that likes to chew on plants, this option is best avoided. Otherwise, this is generally an easy-care plant that requires a moderate amount of light. Keep the soil slightly moist.


Rosemary is an evergreen shrub with a pleasant coniferous aroma. It likes bright light, so keep it in a south-facing window. Allow the soil surface to dry out between waterings and rotate the pot weekly for more even growth.


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It’s a classic houseplant with its striped, rainbow-shaped leaves, but today it deserves a place of honor in your home as well. In addition, caring for spider ivy is not difficult even for a beginner.

Golden epipremnum

This is the easiest houseplant to care for. It has shiny heart-shaped leaves and climbing stems that grow up to 0.6 meters in length. Perennial herbaceous vine prefers moderate to bright light. Allow the soil surface to dry out slightly between waterings.


These luxurious plants are actually very easy to care for. They tolerate low to moderate light well, although they flower best in brighter light. Between waterings it is better to let the soil dry out and every 5 years the plant should be divided and planted.


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