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5 Dangerous Plants You Shouldn’t Grow at Home

Flowers in the room purify the air, stop toxins, aromatize the space and allow you to relieve tension with their appearance.

  • Oleander
  • Lily
  • Philodendron
  • Croton
  • dieffenbachia

But not all indoor plants have this list of useful qualities. Some specimens are very dangerous for people and animals.


Fragrant and charming plant with delicate pink flowers may seem like the perfect addition to the interior. But this is just a dangerous assumption. The smell of oleander, no matter how pleasant it is, can intoxicate, cause dizziness and loss of concentration.

The juice is so poisonous that, if it gets into the eyes, it can cause burns and blindness. It should be kept as far as possible from animals, children, and transplantation and care should be done with goggles and rubber gloves.

Photo: © Belnovosti


A delicate plant only at first glance seems harmless. By planting a few lilies at home, you can provoke malaise. The fact is that at night the flower actively absorbs oxygen, replacing it with carbon dioxide.

In the morning, households may experience headaches, fatigue, weakness. In this case, the lily can be left on the balcony, but only on the condition that pets will not have access to it. The plant is poisonous. A small piece can cause vomiting, difficulty breathing, intoxication.


An evergreen perennial with over 900 varieties worldwide. It has fleshy large leaves of an unusual shape with a prominent red edging.

Philodendron has quite toxic juice. Getting on the mucous membrane or in the stomach of the animal, it causes swelling, burning. If the juice of the culture enters the blood in large quantities, then the person may experience convulsions, loss of consciousness, and difficulty breathing.


One of the varieties of milkweed in the form of a beautiful bush with bright multi-colored leathery leaves, giving off a glossy sheen. Codiaum, the second name of the representative of euphorbia, has gained great popularity with its external characteristics.

However, few people know that the juice of this room can cause severe burns on the skin. With prolonged and abundant contact with Croton, a person may feel the symptoms of poisoning: irritation of the mucous membranes, lacrimation, headache, itching.


A tree, decorated with green leaves with yellow spots, is a frequenter of rooms. It has a small size and is very unpretentious for growing. However, this is where its positive qualities end.

The sap of the plant is quite poisonous. It can cause itching, irritation and redness of the skin, poisoning in pets. And it is simply impossible not to contact the plant when pruning the crown, leaving. In the matter of superstition, dieffenbachia is also not safe.

It is believed that the plant provokes conflicts in the family.

When planting another houseplant, you need to make sure that it does not carry a potential danger. The listed indoor plants can be harmful to health, so you need to be extremely careful with them or abandon the idea of ​​​​acquisition.

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