5 ideas on how to flirt with a man in a way that he can’t resist you

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Every relationship initially went through the flirting phase, and there are many that linger and end precisely with the flirting. But to avoid that and if you really have a crush on a guy, these few flirting tricks will surely keep him from getting you off his mind.

In the following lines, see some useful flirting tactics to attract the desired “target”.

Have fun without being influenced by it

You need to show him that you know how to have fun and feel comfortable, even though he is at the opposite table and watching you constantly. Be confident and don’t forget your self-esteem. Men love women who have a carefree approach to life – they’re not too nervous, they don’t stress and worry about everything, and they definitely know how to keep the fun and spark going.

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Study the situation

First meetings or getting to know each other usually happen in public places, social events, etc. Study the environment around you and you can easily start a conversation with a completely unknown man – say, for example, that the party is nice, the food is good, bring up the topic of music, etc. – the options are many and varied – relax.

Look him in the eye

Eye contact is definitely something that makes an impression and can even seduce a man. If you’ve spotted a man you’re attracted to from afar, look at him from time to time and try to make him notice your interest. This will also unlock his animal side and he will begin to reciprocate until he finally comes to meet you. However, do not overdo it with looking at him – during a certain period of time, give him “one eye”.

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Use body language

Your body language is also an excellent helper in seducing the male part especially. With your movements, you can show him that you are interested. The least that will tell him this is, for example, to lean forward slightly towards him, without exaggerating. Ask him questions related to him and avoid too many clichés. Show that you really enjoy his company.

Questions matter

In this way, the man will really understand that you are interested in him more deeply. Of course, it is very important what exactly questions you choose for the purpose. Nor should you ask question after question as if it were a job interview. Choose appropriate questions, listen to him and throw in new ones from time to time.


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