5 miracle drinks that lower high cholesterol and protect against heart attacks

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High levels of bad cholesterol are a threat to overall health and indicate an increased risk of a blood clot that can clog arteries and cause a heart attack or stroke. The levels of bad cholesterol in the blood along with those of triglycerides are used to assess cardiovascular risk and the condition of the blood vessels and heart. Keeping bad cholesterol within normal limits and increasing good cholesterol are key to good health.

Trans fats, the saturated fats you eat in your daily diet, increase bad cholesterol in your blood. If you can’t give up dairy, local products, oils, foods with palm oil and the like, then at least try to monitor your cholesterol levels with routine blood tests once a year and keep them in the normal range. These easy and cheap drinks, which are prepared quickly and simply, or sold ready-made, will help you lower your bad cholesterol levels and take care of your health.


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1. Green tea

It is extremely easy to prepare, all you need are ready-made bags or granulated green tea and a plastic spoon, as it should not be mixed with a metal one, and you are ready to fight cholesterol. Green tea contains catechins and antioxidant compounds that reduce bad cholesterol levels. Black tea is also useful in this regard, although not as effective as green tea.

2. Soy milk

There is nothing to prepare here, it is sold ready-made. Just read the label carefully and choose a product that is pure and unsweetened. You can replace the milk and animal products you consume that raise the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood with soy milk. The FDA points to 25 grams of soy protein per day as a means of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

3. Oat milk


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It is of significant benefit in the need to reduce bad cholesterol levels. This is due to the beta-glucans contained in it, which prevent the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines.

4. Tomato juice

Lycopene in tomatoes reduces bad cholesterol levels. However, do not buy ready-made juice if it is not pure and contains sugar or preservatives. Prepare it yourself. You only need ripe tomatoes, a drop of lemon, a drop of fat and an onion. Peel the tomatoes, grate them, add a drop of lemon and coarsely chopped onion. A fragrant summer salad is obtained. If you prefer to pour into a glass and consume as a drink, you can limit yourself to grated tomatoes with or without lemon. The fiber and niacin in tomato juice also help reduce bad cholesterol levels. According to scientists, 300 ml. daily are sufficient for the purpose.

5. Berry drink

Small berries such as blackberries, blueberries, raspberries are extremely beneficial for health and keep blood cholesterol levels normal. Mix a handful of berries with a teacup of soy milk, a little water and a spoonful of honey and puree. You get a tasty and aromatic smoothie with proven health benefits.


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