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8 lessons single women should learn from divorce

Until recently, your passport had a marriage stamp, but today you are a divorced woman.

  • Lesson 1. Early marriage is not very good.
  • Lesson 2. Better sooner than later
  • Lesson 3
  • Lesson 4
  • Lesson 5
  • Lesson 6
  • Lesson 7
  • Lesson 8

How can you benefit from the experience of a failed marriage and be happier in your next relationship?

Looking back at the years spent in marriage, you probably reproach yourself for some mistakes and believe that you should have behaved differently in some ways.

Try to learn from your previous marriage.

Photo: Pixabay

Lesson 1. Early marriage is not very good.

You got married very young, still not really understanding yourself or your claims to the world.

You did not have life experience that would tell you that looking for a husband according to the criterion “I love him so much, it takes your breath away” is not the best idea.

Surely you will not mind if your daughter first gets an education and some kind of life experience, and only then goes to the registry office.

Lesson 2. Better sooner than later

At the moment when you clearly realized that you have done everything possible to save the marriage, but it is still bursting at the seams, you need to get a divorce without delaying a day.

Life is not a very long thing, and wasting time on a project that has already failed is an unaffordable luxury.

Lesson 3

You devoted yourself to the family, but this did not help save your marriage. Maybe you should try something different?

Let’s say you remember that you have your own needs. Develop yourself as a person, devote time to your appearance and mood.

Lesson 4

Of course, if a person has stumbled, he should be given a chance to correct himself. If you stumbled a second time, give it another chance.

However, forgiving forever is a bad idea. Especially if you gradually turn from a loving and beloved wife into a sufferer.

Lesson 5

It does not happen that one person is to blame for the breakup of a relationship, and the second was a pure angel.

Therefore, to shoulder all the responsibility for the relationship is stupid. Just like blaming everything on your partner. You are not “white and fluffy”. But it is not the source of all troubles in marriage.

Lesson 6

Children are great, but their appearance and upbringing is not a reason to forget about the relationship with your husband. No matter how much you love your offspring, your relationship with your loved one should always come first.

Care, attention and love – this is what you need to give your husband constantly, as well as receive from him.

Lesson 7

When you try to get revenge on your husband for his actions, you are doing more harm to yourself than to him, because you fixate on a relationship that no longer exists and on a person who no longer needs you.

Wouldn’t it be better to direct these forces and energy towards yourself – your development, your interests and needs. Finally, to get to know the right man who will appreciate you.

Lesson 8

You have probably already understood that you should not devote anyone, even your mother, to all the details of your family life.

Acting with the best of intentions, a relative or girlfriend can get into your relationship with your husband and ruin it forever. What happens between the two is their personal inviolable territory.

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