According to experts: These foods and drinks age you, avoid them

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Food definitely has a big impact on how we feel and what our health is like. And while the aging process is a natural part of our existence, there are definitely a few foods that accelerate it. Along with an unhealthy lifestyle and harmful habits, we will certainly look older than we are.

And here, according to experts, are the foods that help speed up aging:

Dairy products

And above all, fresh milk has a negative effect on the skin condition, especially if you suffer from acne there is a risk of it getting worse. That is why dermatologists advise limiting fresh milk and other dairy products. Some of the ingredients in them can cause cellular inflammation at the micro level, which can lead to faster aging of cells and skin, as well as the appearance of wrinkles.

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Breakfast cereals

Just because they’re presented as a healthy breakfast doesn’t mean that the hundreds of cornflakes, muesli and breakfast cereals on the market actually are. This is just a kind of marketing trick, and in essence, rather – on the back of the box we can very clearly see the huge amount of sugar that most brands contain. Added sugars also have a negative impact on the condition of the skin, creating risks of inflammation and diseases such as diabetes.

Orange juice

And here we are not talking about freshly squeezed orange juice, but about the products that are sold in boxes in the market. Although the label says 100% orange juice, it still has added sugars. And even if there is not – for 1-2 liters of orange juice, more oranges are needed, which are rich in fruit sugars in themselves. Their frequent consumption can lead to risks of high blood sugar and metabolic problems.

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Grilled chicken

You may be surprised here, but this type of chicken preparation is also not particularly recommended. Although it has a richer flavor and is a favorite of many of us, grilled chicken has carcinogenic effects due to the “burned” parts of the grill. The compounds formed in the process create risks not only for aging, but also for our overall health.

Vegetable oils

Cooking itself in most cases requires the use of fat and we use different types of vegetable oils for this purpose, the most common being sunflower oil. We are aware of the opinions of specialists regarding its impact on health, but they also share that whatever vegetable oil we use – if its consumption is frequent and in large quantities, it becomes harmful to us during heat treatment.


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