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Birthday wishes for a man

Пожелания за рожден ден на мъж

If you are tired of boring birthday wishes, check out our suggestions. Here’s what you can wish a man who has a birthday, regardless of whether he is your husband, friend or colleague.

Happy Birthday! I wish you only happiness in life! Let everything bad surround you and only kindness you meet on your way! May health be your faithful companion, and may love forever be the master of your heart!

Happy Birthday! I wish you to always remain a strong man, able to withstand every storm of life. And may health, happiness and luck always be with you!

Happy Birthday! Let there be in your life everything that brings sweetness to the soul and heart! Be healthy, strong and still purposeful!

Happy Birthday! Be healthy to have the strength to dream, be strong to achieve your dreams and be smart to keep what you have achieved!

Today, for your birthday, I will wish you only two things – be healthy, be strong. Because health is the key to happiness, and happiness is the most direct way to happiness. And happiness is what I wish you with all my heart!

Happy Birthday! Be tough to face the trials! Be brave to achieve your goals! Be persistent to make your dreams come true! Be healthy to enjoy your happiness! And be loved to make sense of it all!

Birthday wishes for a child

Every birthday is a new beginning! Be brave, be strong to meet life’s challenges with your head held high like a man with a capital M! Happy Birthday!

Always be a devoted friend, always be a caring husband, always be a real person! Let only health, happiness and love follow you on the path of life!


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