Breathe like you’re cutting an onion and your eyes won’t water

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The useful qualities of the onion are recognized both in medicine and cosmetics, and in cooking. But the aromatic vegetable is characterized by one drawback that makes most people avoid it when preparing dishes and salads.

Through the sulfur compounds it contains, it causes burning and tearing of the eyes. However, there is an easy method to minimize this unpleasant reaction.


If your white bedding has darkened, soak it for 1-2 hours in a container (basin) with yogurt. Then wash the underwear as usual…

Breathing through our nose while cutting onions, we take in these volatile compounds through our sinuses, so they immediately reach the tear ducts and cause severe irritation. To avoid it, just breathe through your mouth for a while. Even if you don’t completely remove the tears, you will certainly reduce their quantity and burning effect.

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