Did you know that Indje Voivode burned down Kalofer? Find out why

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Indje Voivode’s birth name was Stoyan, and he got his nickname, by which he is known in history, most likely during the time he led a group in Stara Planina. According to other sources, Stoyan was named Indje after the time he was in the janissary school in Constantinople, where his stepfather sent him. According to these authors, the origin of the nickname is related to Stoyan’s vision, posture – thin, slender, since “ince” in Turkish means exactly that – thin.

There are disputes not only about the origin of the nickname of Indje Voivode, but also about his birthplace. Different sources point to a different city as the supposed birthplace of Stoyan – from Sliven through Popovo to a village that is today in the territory of neighboring Turkey. However, more curious than these controversies and conjectures is the story of Indje and the events surrounding the burning of Kalofer, in which he is said to have personally played a major role.

Duke Indje dies

Duke Indje and the burning of Kalofer

The burning of Kalofer is connected with the events in 1799, the capture of Lozengrad by the Kardzhalian headman Kara Feizi, to whom Voivode Indje was an assistant. Trained in a school for janissaries, Indje was known for his martial glory and ability in battle, proven during his journey from Constantinople to Bulgaria years earlier, when he killed the Turkish military leader and was elected headman.

Little is known about the historical fact that none other than Indje Voivode and the gang led by him set fire to Kalofer in 1799, while Kara Feizi stole millions of pennies from the caravans returning from the Sliven Fair.

Inje’s life as voivode

Years later, Indje gave up banditry, the scumbags remained in his past and he led a band of horse ruffians around Strandja, Sakar and Bakadjitsi. A new stage in the life and history of the Indje Voivode as a defender of Bulgaria begins, and legends tell of his attempt to organize a rebellion against the Turks in the first years of the 19th century.

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The life and deeds of Indje Voivode did not end with the Hajdushka squad. In 1806, he went to Moldova, where he served in the guard of the Moldavian princes, and years later, in 1821, he participated in the uprising in the Danube principalities. In the same year, he was killed in the Battle of Skuleni on the Prut River, and his death was heroic and remains in history as well as his name, although his life and deeds were colorful, controversial and diverse – from banditry to death for justice and freedom Indje voivoda walks his way.

The image of Indje Voivode in literature

The image of Indje voivode remains preserved in literature, where, however, he is presented differently from the real, historical person. According to songs and folk legends, stories and literature, Indje is a hero, a daredevil, the most just, the good robber during his Kardzhalian period, and a defender of the Bulgarians after that. The divergence between history, folk memory, legends, facts perhaps means that the complex and contradictory personality of Inje Voivode, as well as his complex and contradictory life, need a more precise study, but even if such is done, the fact that precisely he burns Kalofer, is considered indisputable and proven.


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