Do I need to grease parchment paper with oil before baking: the secret is revealed

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Parchment paper is often used when working with dough. But it happens that in the process of cooking the dough sticks to the paper.

As a result, you can spoil the dessert.

To avoid an unpleasant situation, many are accustomed to lubricating parchment with oil.

There are many recipes that say that it is better to lubricate paper with sunflower oil.

Photo: © Belnovosti

But you can use butter or margarine if you like.

Here you should focus on the type of baking and taste preferences not only of your own, but also of those who will try the dessert.

But experienced chefs know that in fact, such a procedure can be abandoned when it comes to certain types of dough, for example, when shortbread dough is prepared, which is saturated with fats and oils.

It is also better to choose a special silicone-coated baking paper to avoid the problem.

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