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Do this and the grill will NEVER stick to you

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The grill or barbecue is preferred by many families. The good thing is that these two assistants allow us to break away from the noise of the big city and diversify our daily life, touching closer to natural beauties.

There is probably a craftsman in your company who is responsible for the grill. We usually entrust this person with the choice of meat and the spices to flavor it with. However, the final result does not always meet our expectations.

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When the meat is pre-marinated and seasoned with a set of spices, it sticks to the grill itself. It is today that we will reveal to you some subtleties and tricks, thanks to which you can avoid such a phenomenon.

How to prevent meat from sticking to the grill?

If you don’t want to witness such small but unpleasant incidents, our advice is to grease the grill. It is preferable to use a piece of bacon, but if you can’t find one, serve yourself with oil or butter.

Clean the grill grate quickly and easily!

Some housewives rub the grill with onions and oil to prevent sticking. The truth is that the vegetable does not prevent sticking, but rather eliminates odors. This trick works flawlessly when grilling fish.

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If you have decided to grill the mackerel, the grill should be greased liberally. This is the only way to keep the meat from sticking. However, there is another subtlety that you may not know. To minimize sticking on the fish, dry it thoroughly before grilling.

When baking meatballs, you should not flatten them beforehand. Doing so will not only keep them dry on the inside, but they will also stick.

Everyone recommends greasing the grill with bacon because this fat is the strongest and browns the hardest. This means you won’t have to constantly baste before putting the meat or other food in to cook.

Stick to all of these and you won’t have any problems with the meat sticking to the grill!


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