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Do you know how the EGN is formed?

The uniform citizen number (abbreviated EGN) is an administrative identifier, mandatory for citizens, which we cannot spare. Every Bulgarian citizen and every foreigner permanently residing in Bulgaria has an EGN, which is part of their personal data. The uniform civil number was introduced in 1977. It is a set, a combination of numbers, different for everyone, but do you know what each of them means and how the TIN is formed? The process and selection are not random, but strictly defined and informed. Here’s what your TIN reveals about you.

How is the EGN formed?

The EGN in the BULSTAT register is converted to a 9-digit code from January 4, 2022. This change does not require users to submit documents …

You probably know that the first 6 digits of your social security number are the year, month and date of birth, arranged in that order. Its last two digits are taken from the year. For example, those born in 1973 have an EGN starting with 73.

The seventh and eighth digits of the EGN are more difficult to guess, as they depend on the district in Bulgaria where the birth took place, as well as on the sequence of the birth. In contrast, the ninth digit is more predictable, because depending on whether it is even or odd, it indicates the gender of the holder of the EGN. For males, the ninth digit should be even. Ladies have an odd ninth digit of their social security number.

Having understood how the TIN is formed up to the 9th digit, are you curious about what the last tenth digit hides and what it reveals about you? Actually, nothing. The tenth digit is boring, it carries no information about you, but it is important because it is the control digit. Using this number, anyone with the necessary knowledge can check whether the given TIN is correct, or whether it was entered incorrectly – intentionally or accidentally. The calculation is long, but not particularly complicated if you know the algorithm and method, so you can look them up and use them in case of need.

We are sure that you are happy to find out how the TIN is formed, because it will make it easier to remember yours, knowing exactly what information it contains, and that you were curious to find out which baby was born together with you in the specific area you are for the day – interesting information indicated by digits 7 and 8 of your unique civil number.

There is no need for nearly 4 million Bulgarians, whose data were illegally disclosed, to change their identity cards. Practical advice for them…

MORE: Do you know what the last 4 digits of your social security number mean?

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