Do you know what most couples do after sex?

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If foreplay is essential to a good sexual understanding of a couple, “habits after” are just as important! Find out what to do after love to keep your relationship fulfilling. Of course, foreplay is essential to the smooth transition to “hot” sex, but we talk less about what happens after that. It would be awkward to want to get dressed right after the act and act like nothing happened. The post-sex experience can be romantic or even more romantic than the foreplay itself!

Here are 6 habits to follow after sex.

1. Sharing

Without going into details, you can simply let your partner know that you like them. Talking about what you just did can be a good way to reignite the passion and excitement and, who knows, start over! And it will help you get to know yourself better sexually.

2. Take a shower together

It’s not about rushing to the bathroom alone or taking a shower to “wash off” whatever you just did under the covers. Joint water procedures are no less attractive! Rinse off together once you’re in love and take the opportunity to lather up – or shampoo!!! – each other. This can be pleasurable play is an arousing way to prolong pleasure and physical connection.

3. Snuggle

To maintain a physical connection and feel close, sleep comfortably snuggled together!

4. Keep eye contact.


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In the movies, we’re used to seeing actors quickly walk away from each other after sex, each taking their own side of the bed, lying on their backs and staring at the ceiling. Drop the cinema, stay close, keep caressing and looking into each other’s eyes, it will bring you closer.

5. Jokes

The next moment promotes childhood: relaxation and emancipation are never as good as after love. Take advantage of this excitement to laugh, joke or go crazy if your significant other is not yet asleep…

6. Breakfast in bed

You never think about it, but eating together in bed can be a great way to bond after sex. For example, a few small pieces of chocolate or fruit to share with your partner – this is the best finale to the experience after sex! And it will saturate your emotional connection.


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