End cracked skin in winter with a few simple rules

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According to dermatologists, there are certain creams we should stick to during the cold winter months.

What the Russian cosmetologist and dermatologist Olga Andriyanova shares in particular, women should use thick creams.


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Proper skin care in winter

The cold air, in combination with the warm indoors, can seriously damage the skin. Especially if you didn’t try very hard to protect it during the summer.

Let’s say that in summer you use more products in the form of gels, in winter you should stick to those with emollients – these are substances that will preserve the lipid mantle of the skin.

It is also not superfluous to limit exfoliants and peeling as much as possible in the winter and turn more often to moisturizing and light masks.


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Also, use more moisturizer – both directly on the face and in your own home – to avoid unpleasant cracking and peeling of the skin.

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