Going to the beach? Here’s how to protect your phone from sand

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Even when we go somewhere to disconnect from the electronic world, our smartphones are rarely out of reach. This includes our favorite beach destinations. Unlike many summer accessories, our phones are not designed to withstand excessive sun, sand or salt water. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your device at the beach.

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When you’re at the beach, your skin isn’t the only thing that needs sun protection. If your phone is in direct sunlight for too long, it can overheat. This can drain the device’s battery, cause a forced shutdown, and potentially damage its hardware, and even blow it up. The easiest way to avoid this is to keep your phone out of the sun. Make sure it’s in a shady place when you’re not using it, like under a beach umbrella or in a bag. Wrapping the phone in a small towel or storing it in a drink box can also protect it from direct sunlight and keep it from overheating. If your phone overheats, try blowing on it or cooling it down with a fan like the one you might take to the beach to cool your face.

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Sand tends to get everywhere you don’t want it to be. In most cases, this is annoying, but when it comes to electronic devices, it can be disastrous. Placing your phone in a resealable sandwich bag before you hit the beach should keep it clean and free of sand. If sealing your phone for hours isn’t an option, you can avoid the worst-case scenario by investing in some dust plugs. These accessories will block your phone’s ports where sand can do the most damage.

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Even smartphones that are advertised as waterproof can still suffer from water damage. The good news is that the same plastic bag that protects your phone from sand can also protect it from the moisture you brought in from swimming. It’s safer to skip selfies when you’re standing in the water, but if you do drop your phone in the sea, you need to take quick action. A quick rinse of the phone with fresh water is recommended after immersion in salt water, as salt can clog the openings of the device. Remove excess moisture by wiping it with a dry cloth and gently tapping the phone upside down. Placing it near a fan can also help it dry faster. If you find access to rice and cover it with it, you will absorb the maximum moisture. Remember that plugging it into the outlet can be fatal.


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