How do you water a poinsettia?

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The poinsettia is one of the symbols of Christmas. Almost everyone who wants to please a loved one presents him with this charmingly beautiful flower in a pot. The plant makes us smile as soon as we look at its rich colors. A luxury that is almost impossible to describe in words.

The truth is that the cultivation and watering of this flower have their subtleties and peculiarities, which should be taken into account if we want to enjoy the presence of the poinsettia in our home for a long time.

How to water a poinsettia and everything else related to the beautiful flower?

Let’s start with how to choose a poinsettia if you have decided to give it to a loved one. It is very important that the leaves of the plant are dark green. This is an indication that the florists or salespeople in the store have taken the necessary care of the plant.

If the leaves are lighter or start to drip, don’t buy. It is about problems related to the root system. It is very likely that the flower was deprived of water and this is what led to its poor appearance.

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It is also important when you buy it that you ask the sellers to pack it really well for you because it is one of the flowers that tends to freeze in no time if subjected to extremely cold temperatures. Be aware of this specificity and try to avoid it if you don’t want your choice to be disappointing.

When you find a suitable place for the plant in your home, near direct sunlight, do not let its leaves touch the windows.


The beautiful poinsettia flower belongs to the small group of perennial decorative indoor plants that bloom in winter, more precisely …

Now comes the turn of poinsettia watering, which is what most budding florists actually get excited about.

Note that the flower needs very rare watering. Water only when you notice that the top layer of soil has dried out. Monitor the plant regularly. If you don’t water it often enough, you run the risk of its lower leaves starting to drop, and eventually a complete loss of foliage.

Although the poinsettia needs relatively infrequent watering, when you do, keep it plentiful. After some time, discard the excess water from the saucer. If you do not do this and the plant is soaked in water for a long time, its lower leaves may begin to turn yellow and the flower will soon dry up.

Take care of your poinsettia and let yourself enjoy its beautiful colors that have no equal!


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