How does happiness affect health?

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Happiness is something different for everyone. For some, it comes down to meeting material needs – buying expensive cars and apartments, while others find joy in life when they live purposefully and achieve their dreams. Research shows that the genes of people with a deep sense of purpose in life are better equipped to fight disease and infection.

A new study that has been conducted has found that true happiness – one that is rooted in goodness and comes from the essence of a person – can have a positive effect to the extent that it reaches down to the DNA and thus even prevents disease.

20 quotes about happiness to make you smile

Experts call this type of happiness eudaemonic well-being. The other kind, based on surface value and self-gratification, is called hedonic well-being.

The genes of people with high levels of the eudaemonic happiness in question function better, maintaining low expression of inflammatory genes and high expression of antivirals and antibodies. Numerous diseases such as heart disease and fighting infections are associated with this type of happiness and it keeps them at bay.

Happiness is in the little things!

“Likes” on social media will not make you happy

Social media is very insidious and as much as we think likes on our photos make us happy, it actually does the opposite and it hurts our self-esteem and happiness level.

New research shows that the more young people use social media, the more their overall happiness declines. It makes them think about two indicators – how they feel at the moment and how satisfied they are with their life in general. Thinking about these topics on a daily basis only on the basis of liking posts – does not reflect well on the psyche.

It is a way for young people who often travel and have no environment to meet more easily and socialize faster, but instead of improving well-being, social networks show the exact opposite result – they undermine it. Therefore, personal communication and direct contact are the best choices you can make for your personal happiness, so that you can improve your health as well.


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