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How not to spray cucumbers with milk: a mistake that can leave a summer resident without a crop

Spraying cucumbers with milk is a fairly popular dacha procedure.

Gardeners spend it in order to accelerate the growth and development of the plant and the fruits formed on it.

And adding a few drops of iodine to the drink helps to provide garden crops with protection from many ailments.

However, many summer residents make a serious mistake by watering the plant with milk.

Photo: © Belnovosti

This oversight can lead to a sharp decrease in yield. And sometimes – and a complete loss of the crop of cucumbers.

What error are you talking about

Cucumbers should never be sprayed with undiluted milk.

In concentrated form, this white drink negatively affects the plant. Cucumbers may lose access to oxygen. This means that there will be no normal fruiting.

Before use, milk must be mixed with clean water. The volume of the second liquid should be at least twice as large as the first.

Only under this condition, “milk” watering will benefit the culture.

Caution must also be observed when adding iodine. Two or three drops per liter of the mixture is enough. Excess iodine can cause the plant to wilt and produce irregularly shaped fruits.

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