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How to hear your own “I”: 3 tips to stop criticizing yourself

To others, a person can say pleasant words, can shower everyone with compliments. He easily notices the virtues in others, notes those.

  • smile
  • Conversation with a friend
  • Be your own friend

Sometimes he even exaggerates in order to make a good impression of himself, in order to raise the self-esteem of others. But only in a dialogue with himself, he cannot lie. He is extremely honest, leading such, which is good, but only he can go too far, become callous in his judgments.

In the latter case, the individual will begin to hurt himself, will criticize himself. Since his self-esteem is not going to benefit, he needs to work with such a situation. A positive result can give some tricks.


In the midst of a negatively colored conversation with yourself, it is unlikely that you can do it just like that. But you can still come to this. A person needs to come up with a funny name for his inner critic, refer to it as such.

Photo: Pixabay

In this case, he will be able to instantly be distracted from negative ideas, thoughts, and start laughing. In this case, after any failures, it will turn out to recover quite quickly. They certainly won’t seem like a tragedy.

Conversation with a friend

You can interrupt the dialogue with yourself by calling someone. It is necessary to reproduce everything that arises in the head, name your experiences. Surely a friend will be able to support, cheer up.

He will tell the individual that he is not doing so badly, remind him of his virtues. It should be remembered that negative emotions grow secretly, that sometimes it is not realized. The described communication can dispel them.

Be your own friend

A man should call himself his best friend. You hardly want to speak badly about someone who is a friend. In this case, the internal dialogue will cease to be reduced to criticism every time.

This may take place, but only it will be on business, will be benevolent. It is unlikely that she will be able to harm in this situation.

Such techniques will allow you to hear your “I”, to understand yourself. Surely after them sharp criticism will not sound in your head, you probably won’t want to concentrate on the negative anymore.

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