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How to store cheese in the refrigerator so that it lasts the longest?

It is known that cheese is a delicacy that brings benefits, is easily absorbed by the body and helps the stable functioning of the digestive system. All this is due to the special milk cultures that are used in production.

Lactic acid is formed in the finished product, which contributes to the growth of the number of beneficial bacteria that protect the intestinal walls from various infections, and also normalizes the digestion process and metabolism. However, with the wrong approach to cheese storage, bacteria begin to multiply quickly and can harm the body.

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How to store cheese?

The cheese is recommended to be stored in an open form for no more than 14 days.

Cheese does not tolerate temperature extremes. The product stays fresh and tasty longer at a temperature of 0 – 60 and 80 – 85% humidity, so in the bottom drawer, where vegetables are usually stored, or a shelf above it, will be a good place in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to store the cheese closed: in a glass, ceramic or plastic container or in foil or stretch film. Such a measure will not allow the cheese to absorb foreign odors and keep the product fresh as long as possible.

Many manufacturers produce cheeses in packages that can be closed and opened repeatedly. It is enough to close the package and put it in the refrigerator, without worrying that the cheese will absorb odors or weather. You do not need to transfer the product to another container.

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Cheese in the freezer

Cheese does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures, after freezing it changes its texture, consistency and taste, loses its useful properties. However, this does not make it unfit for consumption. Of course, you should not make sandwiches with a thawed product, but you can add such cheese to salads, pizza, pies and other dishes.

Storing cheese shouldn’t be a problem. Following simple rules will help you protect the delicious product from spoiling and ending up in the trash can. In order not to worry about storage, you should buy cheese for the future and pay attention to the expiration dates.


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