If you want the egg whites to turn into fluffy snow, beat them like this

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If you intend to use only the white of the egg, it is preferable to make holes in the two opposite ends of the egg and thus allow the white to flow out.

White or yolk is more useful: what we need to know when taking the egg

Keep in mind that beating the egg white happens best when the egg is fresh and chilled. It is preferable to even go out on the balcony if the weather is cool outside and do this work in a few minutes. Then the results will come faster and be better.

When whipping egg whites, you need to carefully choose the vessel in which this will happen. You can bet on ceramic, glass or enamel. However, it is not advisable to choose aluminum because your egg whites will turn gray and will not become the perfect finish to your favorite dessert.

In order to whip the egg whites, the bowl must be absolutely dry. There should not be a drop of fat in it. A particle of the yolk should also not fall into the egg white.

A low speed mixer is used to beat the egg whites. Do not use a blender or similar appliance, as the result will not be the desired one. In the process of breaking, the speed increases.

If the eggs have been in your fridge for a long time, they will be much more watery than fresh eggs. In such a case, it is very likely that fluffy protein snow will not be obtained. You can add a little lemon juice or a pinch of salt, but the end result will still not be the same.

Do not beat the egg whites for too long, as you risk the formation of small, thin-walled air bubbles. They break down during baking and the marshmallow will fall off.


The daily human diet is hard to imagine without eggs. It is cheap, affordable, tasty and easy to prepare. Most often, eggs are …

Perfectly beaten egg whites should have increased in volume by up to 4-5 times.

When you decide to add sugar to already whipped egg whites, you need to be very careful. Pour a little less and all the while do not stop whisking.

Experts advise that when you beat the egg whites and a stiff foam is obtained, leave them for a while in the refrigerator and only then move on to mixing with other ingredients.

When you are already at the end and decide to use the egg whites on the dough or cream, you have to distribute the mixture very carefully, mixing in one direction and not pressing it, because that way the effect of airiness can be lost.

Follow these tips and we’re sure the egg whites will turn out to be the perfect consistency!


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