If your washing machine smells like mold, pour these 2 ingredients into it and you will forget about the problem

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If after removing the laundry from the washing machine drum, you smell an unpleasant smell, this simple trick will help you solve it.

But in this case it is good to establish the reasons for its appearance. It may be due to the fact that dirty clothes are stored in the washing machine for too long.

Also, the reason for this may be that the drain is not connected correctly or the equipment has been closed for a long time.

After every wash, pour this in the washing machine and you will forget about mold and bad smell

But most often the reason for the bad smell is that the washing machine has not been cleaned for a long time. However, do not forget that it also needs care, otherwise bacteria will begin to multiply actively, which provokes the appearance of a musty smell.

The procedure for cleaning it is quite simple, so do not neglect it.

How to clean the washing machine?

It is necessary to prepare half a package of baking soda and 150 grams of citric acid. These inexpensive components will quickly get you out of the problem.

If your washing machine isn’t washing well and smells musty, pour this into it

It is enough to pour them into the powder compartment and then set a full wash cycle without putting any clothes in the washing machine. Set the highest wash temperature.


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