Is diet soda really harmful?

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When choosing which soda to drink, you’d think that a sugar-free or calorie-free option like Diet Coke would be healthier. This makes sense, given the havoc sugar can wreak on your overall health. A study has concluded that people who consume large amounts of added sugar, especially from sugar-sweetened beverages, are at greater risk of several health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Not to mention the damage sugary drinks can do to your oral health.

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Although someone is unlikely to drink soda because of the health benefits, they may think they are doing less harm to their health by choosing low-calorie sodas like Diet Coke over their sugar-sweetened counterparts. But, as is often the case, commercial foods and beverages marketed as healthier options come with health implications of their own. For example, the artificial sweeteners found in Diet Coke are calorie-free, but that doesn’t mean they’re any better for you. Artificial sweeteners in diet sodas can dramatically increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and dementia.

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Diet Coke can harm your health in several ways

In addition to increasing your risk of chronic disease, drinking Diet Coke can damage your kidneys and negatively impact your gut microbiome. Additionally, the artificial sweeteners in diet soda have been found to negatively impact gut health and increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Diet Coke, like any other food or drink, is processed by the kidneys. Large amounts of diet soda have been linked to kidney damage and disease. This is due to the high content of phosphorus and synthetic ingredients that pass through the kidneys. The artificial nature of the ingredients in Diet Coke makes it mildly inflammatory.

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Artificial sweeteners encourage overeating

Diet Coke may be sugar-free and calorie-free, but that’s pretty much all there is to its health benefits. To ensure its sugar-free sweet taste, each can of Diet Coke contains about 200 milligrams of the artificial sweetener aspartame, which is roughly 200 times sweeter than table sugar. The researchers concluded that artificial sweeteners such as aspartame have the counterintuitive effect of promoting weight gain and increasing the risk of chronic disease due to their effects on metabolism and hunger. The glucose-insulin response they cause can create greater hunger for later meals and potential overeating.

Is there a safe amount of Diet Coke to drink?

While it’s best to avoid carbonated beverages, whether diet or not, drinking a moderate amount of diet soda can be safe for most people. If you still can’t resist the fizzy drink, don’t overdo it and don’t take more than two pitchers a day.

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Is diet cola better for you than regular?

Let’s not underestimate the facts: Neither regular nor diet sodas are healthy. Because regular cola is sweetened with sugar, it contains many empty calories that raise blood sugar, contribute to weight gain, and raise blood pressure. So in the end, the answer to whether Diet Coke is bad for you isn’t black and white. Considering the artificial ingredients used in diet and regular sodas, it’s safe to assume that any diet is better off without diet soda. However, if you are choosing between regular and diet soda, the diet option will be better because regular soda is higher in calories and the negative health effects are associated with more chronic disease and higher mortality.


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