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The easiest way to fix oversalted PICKLE

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In winter, many people like to eat pickles. It can serve as an appetizer, snack, salad. Not to mention that there are quite a few interesting recipes that allow pickled vegetables to become a main dish.

As you can imagine, making a delicious pickle for the cold months is a skill. Sometimes, however, in our effort to get the perfect winter food, we overdo it with one of the ingredients.

When talking about pickles, it is advisable not to consume them before you have tried to fix them. You know how dangerous salt is for health and how you should not overdo it.

Here’s how to save the salted pickle:

The simplest way is to pour off part of the marinade and add water. That way the flavors will balance out and it won’t be as salty as it was in the beginning. However, it’s okay to wait a few days before trying.

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You can also add more vegetables to the pickle jar, for example tomatoes, carrots or others. However, it would be good to pierce the vegetables with a fork in advance, so that they take as much of the salt as possible.

There is also another trick that some of the hosts use. Take the pickle out of the can several hours before consumption. Pour warm water over it and leave it like that for a while. Then drain the liquid and serve. And this trick works without fail. We know it’s a little annoying, but if you do it a few times, it won’t impress you afterwards.

Do not throw away the salted pickle. Fermented winter meat is very useful. Take advantage of our advice and consume it with pleasure.

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