This guy revealed the easiest way to save money

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If only I could stop spending money on unnecessary items, I would buy such useful things. If you think so too, then this article is for you. A user on one of the most famous social networks presents an easy and effective way to save money. This is how.

Rule #1: Going Zero – Every Night.

It’s very easy: you have to reset the unspent money every night. For example, you want to reset them to one zero. In the evening you have:

BGN 12 in cash

BGN 114 available in the bank account

What you need to do: Subtract the last digit from each number to get a zero at the end. It’s easier to reset the money in the wallet and use a savings account or another bank account to transfer the money from your card.

For example:

You can also reset to more zeros. For example, up to two:

Rule #2: Transfer every unspent leva to your savings account.


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Save whatever you have left from the previous days – Reset the amount once again at the end of the month. For example, you have BGN 50 in cash and BGN 80 left in the bank – just transfer them to the savings account.

Advantages of this method:

You know how much money you have every morning and the amount is always rounded up.

You start controlling your spending and stop buying crap.

And most importantly, you really save money

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