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This is what will happen if you drink warm water on an empty stomach!

Ето какво ще се случи, ако пиете топла вода на гладно!

Everyone knows about the benefits of water and that it should be drunk regularly and in sufficient quantities to maintain the body’s vital functions. Many people start their day with a glass of water on an empty stomach, but not everyone knows that warm water has much greater health benefits. Eastern healers claim that it is warm water that not only improves health, but also rejuvenates the body and also prolongs life. We will tell you why it is useful to start the morning with a glass of water with a temperature of 40-45 degrees.

1. Clean skin and beautiful hair

Drinking a glass of warm water every morning, you will gradually begin to notice how the skin of the face becomes healthier, more beautiful and elastic, acne and greasy shine will disappear, and your hair will be softer and thicker. Water allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and restore the vitamin balance.

2. A healthy weight

If you have extra pounds, warm water on an empty stomach is your salvation. Water normalizes metabolic processes, the work of the intestines and stomach, and also relieves the desire to overeat, after which the body will begin to get rid of excess fat. Drinking warm water in the morning will allow you to forget about problems such as bloating and heartburn. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.

3. Eliminate toxins

Warm water helps the natural detoxification of the body, after you drink it, the sweating process is activated, thus the body is cleansed of toxins.


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