What is moon milk and what is its benefit

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Moon milk has earned a top spot among the healthiest drinks. Invented in the USA, today it is a favorite of consumers all over the world.

What exactly is moon milk? It is a drink full of valuable vitamins and minerals, considered an adaptogen – that is, allowing the body to adapt to changes in the environment – weather, temperature, stress, etc. – and react to them, adapting without damage to health and self-esteem.


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What does moon milk contain?

The composition of the drink includes honey and milk, which can be cow, goat, sheep. It is important that it is full fat. Vegetarians can also make their own moon milk, substituting animal milk for nut, almond, coconut or other milk of their choice. The key ingredient in the drink is a mixture of herbs and spices – cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, black pepper, nutmeg, cardamom, ashwagandha, which are added to milk with honey.

How is moon milk made?

For one glass of milk, you need one teaspoon of the spices without black pepper, add half a spoon of it so that your drink does not become too hot. Heat the milk in a saucepan and add the spice mix without the honey. The mixture should boil for ten minutes. After it cools down, honey is added and the drink is ready for consumption. If you like hot milk, you can reheat after adding the honey, but do not let the drink boil, so as not to lose the valuable properties of the honey, which is sensitive to high temperatures.


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What are the health benefits of consuming moon milk?

Moon milk is good for overall health, great for the winter season during viral infections, for coping with stress, for restful sleep. It helps in:

  • nervousness – has a calming effect on the nervous system, as ashwagandha reduces stress, lowers cortisol levels and contributes to relaxation,
  • fatigue – restores energy and concentration, gives strength and reduces chronic fatigue,
  • immune system – stimulates the immune system and the body’s natural defenses, thanks to ginger it fights viral infections and has a beneficial effect on flu,
  • digestive system – improves the functions of the digestive and excretory systems, it is suitable for lazy intestines and a lazy stomach,
  • circulatory system – cardamom and pepper take care of the circulatory system, they also have a beneficial effect aimed at fighting extra pounds,
  • sleep and memory – honey is rich in tryptophan, which strengthens memory and promotes good sleep and falling asleep easily. In ancient holistic practice, moon milk was consumed in the evening and used as a remedy for insomnia.

If you want to add mood to your drink, you can color it by adding rose oil or lavender. This will add additional benefits to your health, mind and soul.



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