What is the name of Santa’s village?

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Santa’s Village in the vicinity of Rovaniemi is one of the most famous amusement parks and at the same time the residence of everyone’s favorite Santa Claus, who in Finland is called Jollupuki. It is located 8 kilometers northeast of the center of Rovaniemi and only 2 kilometers from the airport.

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The main purpose of the trip to the village is, of course, a meeting with Santa Claus himself, who has been sitting in his residence for more than half a century. Santa’s main office, where he receives visitors, is a spacious hut located in the center of the village.

It is the most visible building and the brightest. There you can not only talk with the most amazing wizard on the planet, but also learn his secrets. For example, how he slows down the passage of time with the help of a magical pendulum so that he has time to greet all the children of the world in one night.

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Several times during the winter, large-scale events are held on the territory of the village of Santa Claus. The main one is the opening of the Christmas season. It usually takes place at the end of November and gathers thousands of tourists from all over the world. Santa puts on a performance on Christmas Eve before heading off to wish all the children a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

There is also a small secret: the real home of Santa Claus (or Joulupuki, as the Finnish children call him) is located on the Korvatunturi mountain, but its location cannot be revealed – otherwise all the magic will be lost.


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