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What to sprinkle around currants so that the berries are countless: not many people know

Currant is one of the popular shrubs that can be seen in every garden.

  • How to care for currants
  • How to feed currants
  • The benefits of currants

The benefits of currants are beyond doubt. Its use is extensive: the leaves are used as a spice in salting and in salads, berries are used to make jelly, jam, filling for pies.

How to care for currants

In the spring, cut off diseased, damaged and old thick shoots that will not bloom in the new season.

Lightly dig the shrub, water the currants during flowering and active growth.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Weed and loosen the soil around the bushes 2-3 times a week.

How to feed currants

In the garden, fertilizing is indispensable, the soil needs fertilizer. To help plants develop, bloom and bear fruit faster, use simple home-made top dressings.

Wood ash will be an excellent fertilizer for currant bushes.

Under each plant at a distance of 25 cm, you can sprinkle up to 500 g of wood ash.

Such a simple method of feeding will provide a good result – abundant fruiting.

The benefits of currants

The plant contains vitamins C, E, K, P, group B, carotenes, pectins, anthocyanins, antioxidants, minerals, tannins, essential oils.

Currant will help improve eyesight, useful for gastritis.

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