Why put an egg under the bed – what does it help?

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Accustomed to seeing eggs on the table or in the fridge, we are curious as to what could be the reason for putting an egg under our bed. Do you believe in magic? But not in the magic of Christmas, of friendship, of faith, of the shared path, but in lessons and evil eyes, in bad magic? Sometimes, even the biggest skeptics on the subject discover that consecration is not granny’s trick and that we really are subject to alien energy, whatever we call it. This energy is also an answer to the question of why an egg is put under the bed. See what it helps with.

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Why put an egg under the bed?

Many people turn to soothsayers and soothsayers with the last hope of finding salvation when they have exhausted all conventional methods – specialists, doctors, marriage counselors. Whether the actions of fortune tellers help or just give a person the belief that he will cope and things will be fine, we leave it to you to judge, but if it does not help, then at least it does not hurt to try some of the methods of cleaning evil forces, spells and lessons from home. Among these methods is placing an egg under the bed. Bad luck will escape you if you put a glass of water with a raw egg under your bed. Water, since we need its magical and purifying power, should not be from the tap, but from a spring, well, river – let it be from nature. Break an egg into the glass of spring water without stirring and leave it under the bed to sleep with you. In the morning, by the shape of the egg and by what happened to it and what we observe in the glass, the future is guessed, as well as whether there is magic or lessons in the home.

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How to interpret the egg in the cup?

Understanding why an egg is put under the bed won’t help you solve your problems if you can’t interpret what you find in the cup after sleeping with it under your bed.

1. If the glass is full of foam, you have a problem due to foreign energy and influence in the money sphere.

2. The appearance of lumps or spots with a reddish color indicates that magic has been done, which must be quickly spoiled, so as not to negatively affect the health and life – yours and your family’s.

3. White pillars rising from the egg to the neck of the cup mean a negative influence on your karma.

The more the contents of the glass have changed compared to the evening when you broke the egg in it, the greater the negative energy and the so-called magic on you and your home.

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How to clear the spell?

Having understood why an egg is put under the bed and how to guess on it, you would certainly like to get rid of the evil eye, negative energy, lessons and spells. This is very easy – after you finish divination with the cup, throw the contents down the toilet, flush, thinking how everything bad flows out of your home into the drain and the water carries it away, then put the cup in a place where it will not be seen and uses. Do not under any circumstances use the cup for anything, ever, under any circumstances. That is why the place where you will hide it and put it away should be such that no one in the family can find it and use it by accident and without knowing what happened to this glass.


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