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Why the dining table cannot be left without a tablecloth: signs

Just some hundred years ago, the level of wealth and family well-being could be assessed by the dinner table.

In families, the table was a kind of sacred altar, where all the household members gathered for a traditional dinner and tea.

It was he who could unite relatives, strengthen blood ties and establish peace in the family. The table was considered “the hand of God”, and the food that appeared on the table was the mercy of the Almighty. And we should be grateful for her.

That is why this sacred household item was surrounded by many superstitions.

Photo: © Belnovosti

For example, crumbs from the table should not be brushed off by hand. And if the furniture suddenly staggers – this is a disease of the oldest person in the family.

But what happens if you leave the table without a tablecloth?

It used to be that an uncovered dining table bodes discord for the family. In such a house, conflicts can arise between relatives every now and then. By this, the table, as it were, draws attention to itself and signals that it is uncomfortable here.

For women, this brings a long “calm” in their personal lives. And they often become guilty themselves, surrounding themselves with household chores and focusing on their careers.

Also, a “bare” countertop can lead to financial “hunger” in the family. No wonder there has long been a ritual for prosperity, when coins were placed under the tablecloth. This is for prosperity.

And an empty table can slow down the household in business. Any project or important undertaking will be forever being finalized and will not pass without delay.

When is a table without a tablecloth good?

Only in dreams. If you saw such a dream at night, you can expect that rapid advances at work, professional success and an impressive increase in earnings will soon come in life.

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