Max Hjelm: Once again, the cracks in the wall that Jimmie Åkesson tried to build are visible

Max Hjelm: Once again, the cracks in the wall that Jimmie Åkesson tried to build are visible Рolitics

Security guard, a man who shouts and swears angrily. Then a wall being built in front of him, and then the text: My Europe builds walls. Yep, that’s the Sweden Democrats’ official EU election communication on Tiktok.

The person calling out is Alan Feily, who is a social worker and teacher, and who, just before the video begins, intervened to stop a man armed with a knife. But it is not something that SD mentions. Before the intervention, Feily won the Civil Courage Prize 2024, awarded by the Tryggare Sverige foundation (Expressen 30/4). For the Sweden Democrats, he was still just someone to warn about.

SD has according to the party’s head of communications Joakim Wallerstein “no strategy†on Tiktok, but just testing himself (DN 2/5). And now they have removed the video, after criticism. As if it were a mistake.

As Alan Feily himself points out, the party would not have done this if his name was Johan Karlsson. It is unlikely that they hanged a white, blond man without caring about the facts. For SD, a man with a black beard is a suspect until proven otherwise, and continues to be a problem even as a hero with civilian courage.

For SD, a man with a black beard is a suspect until proven otherwise, and continues to be a problem even as a hero with civilian courage.

The Sweden Democrats have spent many years polishing their facade, claiming that the party’s goal is only reduced immigration, border control – to build walls. However, with every scandal like this, the cracks in that wall are visible. There is a decisive difference between being against immigration and against immigrants.

That SD acts in such a careless way shows at the same time that they are hardly afraid of being exposed with their prejudices anymore. That’s how confident they are that they’ve been normalized.

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Max Hjelm: Being forced to raise your hand is not fascism

Lisa Magnusson: “Sunday interview†reduces Stig Larsson to a perverse foreshadowing


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