Radpower RadRunner 3 Plus review

Tech media

Radpower RadRunner 3 Plus: Specs

Weight: 75.5 pounds
Motor: 750W brushless geared hub motor
Assist levels: 5
Battery: 672Wh, removable, semi-integrated
Max range: 45 miles
Max assist speed: 20mph
Drivetrain: Shimano 7-speed
Payload capacity: 350 pounds

Cargo bikes tend to be the most useful of all e-bikes. But that versatility comes with some drawbacks — most notably, the bike’s weight and size. Radpower has solved one of those two problems with its lineup of e-cargo bikes. The Radpower RadRunner 3 Plus is the latest in that lineup, and its generally small size, versatility, and comfortable ride rank it among the best cargo bikes out there.

It’s still heavy at 75.5 pounds (before you start adding accessories that truly make the RadRunner shine). But given its stout payload capacity, easy ride, powerful assist, and versatile build, it’s easy to look past the weight when it comes time to replace car trips. Read the rest of my RadPower RadRunner 3 Plus review to see why it’s earned a place on our list of the best electric bikes.

Radpower RadRunner 3 Plus review: Price and availability


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