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Ask Amy: How to avoid boundaries and burnout by navigating family events

Dear Amy: I am a single man and live near my parents and siblings.

We’re pretty close, except that we have very different beliefs and styles.

In our family, there is a constant stream of birthdays, holidays, family celebrations, etc.

My parents also have a lake house they purchased a decade ago, and they constantly invite me to stay there over weekends – even though I remind them each time that I work weekends.

In spring/summer, it seems like there are one or two family events per week, and I get burned out.

I wish I could attend one per month.

If I say I don’t want to come to an event, they get very upset and repeatedly ask me to show up. It’s always a battle.

I’m 37, but feel 17.

How can I get out of these constant family events without moving to another part of the country?

Is lying acceptable in this case? I could tell them I have to work.

– Anonymous

Dear Anonymous: It sounds as if lying might not be effective, given that you tell your folks that you have to work on weekends, and they either don’t believe you, forget, or simply want to make sure that you feel included on every invitation.

People have different social attitudes and aptitudes. You have the right to conduct your social life the way you want to.

You should tell your family members, “I appreciate how close we are, but I get overwhelmed by the number of family get-togethers. When I say ‘no’ to an invitation, please don’t take it personally, and please don’t pressure me about it. I simply get burned out. I really need you to respect this.”

If you continue to feel crowded, badgered, pressured, or battling with family members, then employ a firmer, “Remember? No means no.”

You’re an adult. If moving away from family is necessary for your own sense of autonomy and independence, then you should consider it.

Dear Amy: In your response to “Nervous” you pointed out how many of your questions concern people inviting themselves to vacation at others’ homes.

When a friend of ours, a Florida resident, became tired of the almost constant visitors during the winter season, she ultimately came up with this response: “I would love to see you! Let me know when you get settled in your hotel, give me a call, and we can meet up.”

– Faithful Reader

Dear Reader: Boundaries are often born of desperation.

  • Ask Amy: Raffle Tickets for a Dish? A Potluck Party’s Unusual Rule Sparks Debate

(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

©2023 Amy Dickinson. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


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