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Michigan Democrats want to make it easier to give to unions (who give to Dems)

House Election Committee Chair Penelope Tsernoglou, an East Lansing Democrat who sponsors one of the bills, contends union donations benefit “pro-worker” candidates regardless of party affiliation. She said  “we don’t have enough Republicans who are pro-worker.”

“It will benefit campaigns that are pro-worker. I think that’s really the heart of it,” she said. “If those are Democratic campaigns, then that’ll be who benefits.”

During a committee hearing last week, multiple union members offered similar statements. At one point, Rep. Jaime Churches, D-Wyandotte, asked Earl Cox, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union in Kalamazoo, whether he believed “political donations have the potential to influence the way the candidates govern.”

“No, I do not,” Cox responded.

Democrats argue the pro-union legislation would simply right a past wrong by removing Republican-backed restrictions that made it harder for workers to donate. The laws were signed into effect by former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder, who also signed the state’s Right-to-Work law Democrats recently repealed. 

Public sector unions were banned from collecting PAC contributions via automatic payroll deductions under a 2012 state law, according to a House Fiscal Agency analysis of the proposed bills. 

In 2015, the state Legislature further limited private sector unions from utilizing a company’s payroll deductions while allowing private companies to deduct corporate PAC contributions from employees’ paychecks.


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