morning or evening – UNIAN

morning or evening - UNIAN War in Ukraine news

There are many scientifically proven answers to this question.

If you’re looking for the best time to exercise, you’ll find research to back up each of your options. So it’s best to consider the pros and cons of each choice so you can decide what works best for your schedule.

As lifehacker writes, there are many scientifically proven answers to this question. In particular, recent study showed that in a group of Australians, those who did the most aerobic exercise in the morning had lower rates of mortality, cardiovascular disease and microvascular disease than people who did the most aerobic exercise in the evening. However, there are studies that prove the opposite opinion.

Benefits of morning exercises

Morning workouts are a classic sign of a motivated amateur. Arguments in favor of morning exercise focus on productivity and time management, which often trump any biological benefits.

If you have a hard job and have no energy left in the evening, it is better to start training in the morning. It will also help you get a boost of energy and good mood for the rest of the day.

Exercising in the fresh air in the morning can affect your circadian clock. If you exercise outdoors, such as running, this will also help you get some sunlight. Morning light can help keep your body clock within normal range, which will improve your sleep.

You can consume caffeine before training. Pre-workout powders containing caffeine (or energy drinks or coffee) may help you focus better and perform harder in the gym. But if you do this late in the evening, there is every chance of ruining your sleep.

Benefits of Evening Workouts

Evening workouts make a lot of sense for many of us, including those who find it difficult to move in the morning. In particular, you won’t be able to oversleep if you’re a night owl.

You’ll be able to focus better when your workday is over. Making time for a long workout can sometimes be easier when most of your daily commitments have already been completed.

In addition, you will not be hungry, whereas before morning exercise it is difficult to fit in breakfast. This will give you strength.

Your performance may be better. Core temperatures tend to be higher in the evening, and some studies show slight increases in performance in both strength and oxidative capacity.

In general, you don’t have to choose just one option. You can divide your week into evening and morning workouts.

Other health tips

As UNIAN reported, there is a study that night training can prolong life.

The 10 worst mistakes after training are also named. When you’re working towards a fitness goal, it’s important to make sure every step of your regimen is the best.

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