Which dog breed is the worst?

Which dog breed is the worst? War in Ukraine news

She claims she has “anxiety attacks” with one breed and considers another to be “extremely neurotic.”

A woman who works as a dog walker has named the four worst breeds she has ever dealt with. As Mirror writes, she shared this experience on Reddit.

“I work as a pet sitter and the four dogs I look after are a nightmare – I would never own a dog of these breeds,” she said.

In particular, she says two dogs she looks after for her longtime clients give her “an anxiety attack.” One is a Golden Retriever-Poodle mix, and the other is a Berndoodle, a Bernese Mountain Dog-Poodle mix.

“They are so neurotic, they bark at absolutely everything and won’t listen to any commands. I have to walk them on leashes in the fully fenced back yard to get them to do their business. Otherwise, they will constantly play catch, try to eat trees, rabbits, etc. .d. Normal puppy behavior, but in a dog weighing over 100 pounds. What a nightmare,” the woman said.

She also added that she recently looked after a Boston Terrier and was “very surprised at how terrible the experience was.”

“He pulled harder than any dog ​​I’ve ever walked (I was surprised how strong this little guy was) and after he went to the toilet, I had to wipe his butt – which was completely new to me.” – she said.

She also said that she had difficulties with beagles and doodles (poodle mixes). She stated that the two breeds of dogs she cared for had “the most annoying bark in the world” that “never stops.” She added that in her experience, these breeds are also quite aggressive towards other dogs.

UNIAN previously reported that some dog breeds do not know when they are full, so in order for these animals to remain healthy, you need to make sure that they do not steal food, carefully control the size of their portions, and also monitor how much they weigh.

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