Athens: YouTuber was abusing disabled people and broadcasting it on the Internet

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A 35-year-old man was arrested for abusing disabled people live on social media

He was arrested 35-year-old who abused disabled live streaming on youtube.

He was abusing disabled people on live broadcast

The sick appetites of the viewers of his private channel on Tik Tok were acted upon by two people suffering from mental retardation, a 35-year-old YouTuber, as he describes himself, who was arrested by the police. Against the defendant, a case file was filed for “Trafficking in Human Beings”, “Physical Harm to Weak Persons”, “Threat” and “Crime with racist characteristics due to disability”.

New horror incident

It’s about her second case of abuse of disabled people identified by the police within a few months. This time, the 35-year-old had set his scene in a house in Aegaleo. There, on an almost daily basis he forced the two individuals to hit each other, sexually abuse them, beat them, and generally do whatever his sick audience demanded. Today, Tuesday, in the morning, once again the 35-year-old who appears under the pseudonyms or “Chief” made another live broadcast. The police received a complaint about what the two people endured and after a few hours they raided his house.

In a hosting structure the two people

The two young people were taken to a hospitality structure, in order to be examined by experts, while the 35-year-old was taken to the Security offices. In the possession of the “leader” the police found hard drives and mobile telephone devices which they seized and sent to forensic laboratories for investigations.

How the youtuber acted

Sick viewers of the 35-year-old’s channel paid enough money to be able to ask the YouTuber to torture the two mentally retarded people.

The accused himself allegedly maintains that he has not committed any crime, since everything he was showing was a joke, in order to make some money which he shared with his two … friends.

It is recalled that last November,another Youtuber was arrested in Keratsiniwho committed similar acts of abuse of young people with mental disabilities.

The accused is expected to be brought before the competent prosecutor tomorrow, Wednesday.


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